八年级 · 英语 · 人教版 · 上册

5 Period 5 The Unforgettable Trip


  老师:同学们好,我是来自中国人民大学附属中学的王青老师,欢迎来到我的课堂。 Today.

  学生:We are going to learn Period 5 of Unit 1. Where did you go on vacation? This is the last lesson in Unit 1. Let's look at the learning aims today. At the end of the class, you will be able to analyze the format and content of a diary entry.


  学生:you will also be able to write a diary entry to record one of your most unforgettable trips in the past。


  学生:now lets get started, lets look at some pictures do you know these places i believe all of you know this one what is it right? this is tiananmen square how about this picture?

  学生:do you know where it is did you notice the stairs around the building, this is the Palace museum,故宫博物院 or we can call it the forbidden city,紫禁城。

  学生:how about this one pay attention to the houses and outs the three wheelers。


  学生:can you guys wear this?yes, this one is a little bit difficult it is actually。

  老师:a Beijing Hutong 是北京的胡同。

  学生:Have you ever been to one of these places? What would that experience like? Did you enjoy the trip or you don't like it very much? You can talk about your experience with your deskmates. Please open your textbook to page 7 and look at 3A. Complete the diary entry about a trip to one of these places. Use the words and phrases in the box to help you. Of you go, please. Have you finished? What words and phrases did you choose? Let's check. 1St, when did this happen? Right? Wednesday, August the twentieth. Let's look at what happened exactly.

  学生:Today. The weather was hot and sunny. I went to Tianmen Square. It was beautiful. We took some photos. I liked this place because I could learn something important. For dinner, we had Beijing duck. It was delicious. In the evening, I felt really tired. If we put what we just choose into the dairy entry, we would get something like this. This is a very simple diary entry. And today we are going to learn how to write a diary entry, an English diary entry.


  学生:first of all we need to understand the definition of a diary entry, what is a diary entry? a diary entry is a piece of writing, which retals the events that happened to the writer that day。


  学生:it is a personal and daily record usually written in the latter half of the day。

  老师:我们注意一下这两个限定词,一个是personal,一个是daily,它们是什么意思? personal 就是私人的, daily 就是每天的日常的。就是说日记是作者在一天的后半段的时间里做的比较私人的记录。

  学生:writing a diary is like having a conversation with a good friend。

  老师:刚才我们提到了personal,那和这个特点也是不谋而合。写日记就像是和一个好朋友在聊天一样。 Secondly, let's.

  学生:Look at the common features of language in a diary. Imagine if you are writing a diary. What kind of language would you use? The first feature is that the first person poi


《5 Period 5 The Unforgettable Trip》.doc
