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15 Unit 3 Animal World 第3课时


  老师:Hello, boys and girls. Welcome back to my English class. Let's continue to learn Unit 3, animal world. Now please get your book and your pen ready. Today we are going to learn Lesson 3, different kinds of animals we study.


  老师:are you ready? For the class, let's meet some animal friends first. Look, this animal is standing on a flower. Is it an insect? Yes, it is a butterfly. It is so beautiful. Next one, it can copy human sound. It is blue and yellow. What is it? Yes, it is a parrot.

  老师:Next one, it has brown fur. It likes to eat bananas and peaches. What is it? Right? It is a monkey. Do you also like that banana? Next one, it lives in water. Is it a fish? Maybe. It has very sharp teeth. And look, it has a big tail. What is it? Yes, it is a shark. You got it again. What is this animal? Let's watch and guess. It has a long nose.

  老师:It has too long teeth. It has a big head, and small eyes. It also has two big ears and it has a strong body and strong legs.

  老师:It also has a small tail. It is so obvious, right? It is an elephant. So today, let's talk about elephants. First, what do you know about elephants? Very good. Elephants are very strong. They have a long nose and big ears. And also, elephants are mammals. They use their noses to get food and water. You already know something about elephants that's very good. But do you know how we name an elephant's body parts? Do we name it a year? Do we name it a tooth? And do we call it a nose maybe?

  老师:Now let's read a passage and find how we name an elephant's body parts, wise and gross. Now please open your book and turn to page thirty. Let's read the passage and try to name an elephant's body parts. Let's start.

  学生:Elephants are mammals. They can be 4 meters tall. They don't eat meat. They only eat fruit, leaves and grass. They need a lot of food, so they spend most of their time eating. They only sleep for about 4 hours every night. The elephant has two long white teeth called tusks. It is the only animal with a trunk, a special long nose. The elephant can use its trunk to pick up a big tree or a small peanut. The elephant is also the mammal with the biggest ears. They look like two big fans. Elephants live in Africa and Asia. They live together in family groups. They are very strong, very smart and of course, very big.

  老师:Okay, have you found how we name an elephant's body parts? Let's check together. This is an elephant's ear. It is like a big fan. And an elephant's long white tooth is called a tusk. And we call it long, special nose, a trunk. Have you got them all? Good job. A star for you. Next, boys and girls, please take out your worksheet. Let's fill in this chart. Please read carefully and try to find


《15 Unit 3 Animal World 第3课时》.doc
