九年级 · 英语 · 科普版 · 上册

35 九年级上册Unit 3 Topic 3 Section C


  老师:hello, everyone welcome back to our project English yesterday, we learned some methods are learning English from Kang。


  老师:miss Wang is holding a class meeting or how to learn English please asks two students to report the results of their discussion, lets see what theyre talking about。

  老师:试着在文中找到下面几个单词,并猜测一下它们的含义。 preview review。 Tell translate stick. I'm very glad to share our group's opinions with you. Kang Kang said that he previewed the day's lesson before class, took notes in class and reviewed them after class. Li Ping said, read a passage, then try to retaliate yourself. Eugene thought studying grammar was important when learning English. I myself prefer watching English movies, though sometimes I can't understand them exactly. These are our opinions. Thank you for listening. She shared her group's opinions with us. She said, Kang Kang said that he previewed the day's lesson before class, took notes in class and review them.

  老师:after class 根据 before class 可以猜测出 preview 这个单词一定是预习的意思。根据 after class 可以猜测出 review 这个单词一定是复习的意思,就是做到课前预习,课上做好笔记,课后复习。林平说, read a passage then try to retailate yourself。阅读一篇文章,然后努力地去复述下来。他们组给出的最后一条建议是, i myself prefer watching English movies though sometimes i can understand them exactly。副词精确的二个汇报的小组代表是Michael。我们来看看他们组是怎么说的。

  学生:It's an honor to talk with all of you here. Our group agrees with some of Group One's opinions. However, we have some other ideas. Xiu duo Dua said that joining an English club was the best way to improve her English. Cheng Le advised us to read a good English newspaper, but she said we shouldn't translate every word when we are reading. Shuyan told us we should speak English with our teachers, classmates, and even with foreigners as often as possible. That's all. Thanks.

  老师:Michael. The Kai Chang by. It's an honor to talk with all of you here. It's an honor to do, for example, it's a great honor to be invited here today.


  老师:Shu yans told us we should speak English with our teachers classmates as even with foreigners, as often, as possible, as possible。

  老师:尽量尽可能 for example run as fast as possible。尽量快跑。对呀,多和老师同学们用英语交谈,肯定会提高你的英语水平的。下面我们来看看王老师的总结发言,看看它有什么高招。

  老师:good job you two have told us many good methods each of us can use one or more of them, but remember to choose the ones that suit you best im sure that you will make great progress as long as you stick to them, and i think keeping a diary in English is a good way to improve your writing are so the chance, songs and the riddles in our textbooks are helpful。


  老师:im sure that you will make great progress as long as you stick to them。

  老师:我相信只要你坚持下去,就会取得很大的进步。 as long as。只要引导条件状语从句 dont go as lon


《35 九年级上册Unit 3 Topic 3 Section C》.doc
