八年级 · 英语 · 科普版 · 上册

35 八年级上册 Unit 3 Topic 3 Section C


  老师:Hello everyone, welcome to Yanghai Project English. Nice to see you again. Do you like reading fairy tales and cartoon?


  老师:I like them very much. I think most of you like.

  老师:them too 今天我们要谈论的话题是童话故事。

  老师:Are you interested in it? Okay, let's enjoy some pictures first and match them with their titles of stories.

  老师:Did you remember these stories when I was a child? I like them very much. I like Black Cat the Serb because he can help others to catch the evil mice. I want to be the Snow White because she is so beautiful and kind. I wonder, have Ma Liang's magic brush. If that I will draw many useful things for people. Of all fairy tales, I like the little Match Girl best because the little girl is so poor that her story impressed me deeply.


  老师:Xiaomi, let's read this story together. Before reading, please look at some questions. 1, when did the story happen? 2, where was the little magic girl walking? 3, what's the weather like that day?

  学生:The Little Match Girl, it was snowy and dark on the last evening of the year. Many people were getting together in their warm homes. A poor little girl was still walking in the streets with no shoes. There were some matches in her hand. The little.

  老师:Girl is very poor. After reading the story, we feel distrust.

  老师:读完这个故事,我们为可怜的小女孩儿而感到心疼。 can you answer the questions one when did the story happen it was on a new years Eve, two where was the little magic girl walking she was walking in the streets, three whats the weather like that day it was cold and the snowy, the wind was blowing strongly and the snow was falling down on her long hair, a new years Eve 译为新年前夜。还有我们常见的 Christmas Eve,平安夜、 spring Festival Eve,除夕夜。

  老师:In these special days, people usually get together in their warm homes.

  老师:get together 意为团聚在一起。但是可怜的小女孩儿又是怎么度过她的新年前夜的呢?

  学生:Matches, matches, the little girl cried in a low voice. No one heard her when they were passing by. She didn't sell any matches, and no one gave her a coin. The wind was blowing strongly and the snow was falling down on her long hair. She felt cold and hungry.


  老师:what a poor girl she felt a cold and hungry,voice。

  老师:名词,嗓音,多指说话声、歌唱声。 in a low high voice 低声滴,高声滴说 her voice is very sweet。她的嗓音很甜美, fall down。

  老师:Shreda, the boy fell down on the playground and got up quickly. really?小男孩摔倒在地,又很快爬了起来。

  老师:The weather was so terrible. It was blowing and the snow.

  老师:going 小女孩儿在如此恶劣天气条件下还要出来卖火柴,可是又没人来买。

  老师:Why didn't she go home? Let's go on watching.

  学生:Lights were shining from every window, but the little girl was afraid to go home without selling one box of matches because her father would beat her.

  老师:The little magic girl didn


《35 八年级上册 Unit 3 Topic 3 Section C》.doc
