八年级 · 英语 · 科普版 · 上册

29 八年级上册 Unit 3 Topic 2 Section A


  老师:Hello everyone, welcome to Yangai Project English. Nice to see you again. I have a piece of good news to tell you. We are going to a school concert next week.

  老师:有个好消息要告诉大家,下周我们要去听校园音乐会了, i feel so。 Did. Music is very important in our life. It can help us relax and show us great fun. Do you like. lucky music 你喜欢音乐吗?

  老师:today i want to。 Take you to have a magic music trip.


  老师:First, please listen to the music. And guess what musical instrument it is? Instrument. 意为乐器工具。

  老师:what musical instrument is it,violin,piano,guitar,drums。


  老师:Different kinds of musical instruments can play different beautiful music. Now listen to the beautiful music and the conversations. Then number the pictures. Violin. Violin. yellow guitar drums,二胡,同学们注意到了吗?前四种乐器名词前有定冠词了,而最后一个却没有 do you know why?原来在夕阳乐器名词前要加定冠词the,而在中国乐器名词前不加定冠词 the play the piano play 二胡。 Please remember this. Today I met Sally on my way to school and she showed me a poster. What is it about? Yes, it's about a concert.

  老师:Concert in Yuehui. Sally is going to this concert this Sunday evening. Do you want to go? Let's watch the flash and try to find the important information about the concert. 1, who is going to sing at the concert? 2, where is the concert? 3, when is the concert?

  学生:What are you going to do this Sunday evening?

  学生:I'm going to a concert.

  学生:How exciting. Who is going to sing at the concert?

  学生:Celine Dion. Do you know the song? My Heart Will Go On?

  学生:Yes. Is that her song?

  学生:Right. And it sounds beautiful.

  学生:Where is she going to give the concert?

  学生:At the Music Hall.

  学生:Wonderful. What time is it going to start at?

  学生:Seven thirty PM why not come with me?

  学生:I'd like to, but I'm going to watch movies with Steve.

  学生:What a pity I can lend you some CDs of her songs. I think you will enjoy them.

  学生:Thanks a lot. You're.

  学生:Welcome. Come.

  老师:Have you got the answers thats answer. These three questions in one sentence. Celine Dion is going to give a concert at the Music Hall at 7:30 West Sunday evening. do you know Sling Diong?

  老师:现在让我为大家简单介绍一下这名歌手。席琳迪翁, 1968 年出生于加拿大,著名歌手,有流行天后之称。他从 12 岁起就步入歌坛,它因为卓越的声音技巧而为人侧目。 my heart will go on 我心永恒是它为电影 Titanic 演唱的主题曲。 1999 年,他以这首歌曲赢得了最佳流行女歌手奖和最引人注目的年度唱片奖,并一度进入了加拿大广播名人堂。 the power of love 也是他演唱的有名的歌曲之一。原来是这么一位有魅力的歌星的音乐会,难怪 Jack 很兴奋。

  学生:how exciting。

  老师:how exciting 真是令人兴奋。这是一个由 how 引导的感叹句,下面我们来了解一下感叹句的结构, how 加形容词,副词加主语加谓语。

  老师:how clever the boy is how fast he runs。 How well sling Dion sings. I'm sure you won't go to the concert this Sunday evening.

  老师:遗憾的是 Jack 不能去。

  学生:Why not come with me?

  学生:I'd to. But I'm going to watch movies with Steve.

  老师:Jack is going to watch a movie with Steve.

  老师:原来 Jack 要和 Steve 去看电影 what a pity,真遗憾。这个句型是 what 加 a an 加可数名词单数加感叹


《29 八年级上册 Unit 3 Topic 2 Section A》.doc
