七年级 · 英语 · 科普版 · 上册

38 七年级上册Unit 4 Topic 1 Section B


  老师:Hello, boys and girls. Lovely day, isn't it? Today we will still go shopping. Look at the pictures and guess where they are?

  老师:Yes, you got it. There.

  学生:Is shops. Maria 和 Jane 也加入到了购物大军中来了,看看他们到底要买什么吧。

  老师:Now wash the flash and fill in the blanks. A.

  学生:Hello. Can I help you? I'm just looking. Thanks. B, how do you like the trousers? They are too long. Why not try on that pair? Alright, see, Jane, what do you think of this yellow skirt? Oh, I don't like it at all. How about the blue one? How much is it? It's 280 yuan. 280 yuan? Are you kidding? I'll think about it. Thank you all the same.

  老师:1. A saleswoman comes to you, but you don't want to buy anything. You can say, I'm just looking. Thanks. 2. The trousers are too long, so Michael doesn't like them. 3. The blue skirt is 280 yuan. Four are you kidding.

  学生:Miss.你在开玩笑吗?对话 a 中的男孩不买东西,而是在闲逛,随便看看商品。对话 b 中的裤子有点长,不太合适,而对话 c 中 Jane 觉得裙子太贵了。今天的购物好像有点不顺呢,不过没关系,还有时间和机会。

  老师:Now lets review the language points in the conversations can i help.


  老师:IM just looking thanks。


  老师:what can i do for you may i help you can i help you?


  老师:im just looking how do you like the pants?


  老师:why not try on that pair?

  学生:为什么不试试那条呢? when 你觉得某个东西怎么样?我们用 how do you like 也可以用对话 c 中的 what do you think of。我们建议别人做什么。可以说 why not try on 的意思是试穿。对话 c 中同样有建议别人做什么的句子,你能找出来吗?

  老师:how about the blue one。

  学生:蓝色的那件怎么样? are you kidding?你在开玩笑吗?

  老师:thank you all the same。

  学生:还是要谢谢你。 how about 与对话 b 中。

  老师:why not。

  学生:都是用来表示建议的句子,结构难以相信或觉得不可思议,我们可以用 are you kidding 来表示。开玩笑,不是真的觉得价格太高了而不能购买,也要对售货员表示感谢,那就是 thank you。

  老师:all the same now lets watch the flash again a。

  学生:Hello, can I help you? I'm just looking. Thanks, B. How do you like the trousers? They are too long. Why not try on that pair? Alright, see, Jane, what do you think of this yellow skirt? Oh, I don't like it at all. How about the blue one? how much is it its two hundred and eighty un are you kidding ill think about it thank you all the same。


  老师:lets make up a conversation to practice it hello can i help you。

  学生:i want to buy a pair of shoes, what do you think of this pear i dont like the color why not try on that pair all right? how much are they theyre a hundred and seventy yuan are you kidding me well, ill think about it thank you all the same。

  学生:学生可能会觉得 280 元买条裙子太贵了,但家长为孩子买东西的时候,他们会比较坦然的接受。不信就看看 Maria 的父母是怎样在超市为他买东西的。

  老师:Now listen to the conversation and write down the prices.

  学生:Oh, look at that beautiful school bag. How much is it? It's 18 yuan. Okay, we'll buy one for Maria. What do you think of this skirt? It's very nice. I think Maria likes that color it's 108 UN. How much are the shoes? One hundred and th


《38 七年级上册Unit 4 Topic 1 Section B》.doc
