七年级 · 英语 · 科普版 · 上册

33 七年级上册Unit 3 Topic 3 Section A


  老师:Hello, everyone. Welcome back. Before we talk about the new contents today, let's look at the picture first. And I guess what they're talking about.


  老师:I think you understand picture. They are talking about food and drinks.

  老师:Kankang 把他的朋友们邀请到家,他们正在谈论食物和饮料。

  老师:Now listen and fill in the table. the information you hear。


  学生:help yourselves thank you i would。 Like an egg and some fish.

  学生:Would you like some eggs, Maria?

  老师:No, thanks. I'd like some chicken.

  学生:What about you, Jane? Rice and.

  老师:Chicken, please. Alright.

  学生:What would you like to drink?

  老师:Apple juice, please. I like it very much. Milk for me, please. Me, too, Michael? A neck and some fish milk. Maria? Chicken milk. jam rice and chicken apple juice 康康把他的几位外国朋友请到家里来玩后,还为他们准备了丰盛的午餐,有各种各样好吃的食物,看看他们怎么说的。 help yourself 随便吃或喝。这个短语后可以加 too 加食物或饮料表示随便吃喝。

  老师:help yourself to some apples。


  老师:help yourself to some fish。


  老师:i would like a egg and some fish。


  老师:ID like some chicken。

  老师:我想要些鸡肉。 ID like 等于 i would like。想要某东西后面可以跟食物或饮料。例如, i would like some eggs fish, apples oranges apple juice。如果我们想问别人想要什么的时候,我们该怎么表达? Would.

  学生:You like some eggs.

  老师:Maria no thanks ID like some chicken.

  学生:What about you. Jane rice and.

  老师:Chicken please all right.

  学生:What would you like to drink.

  老师:apple juice, please i like it very much would you like some eggs?

  老师:你想来些鸡蛋吗?no, thanks 不谢。

  老师:what would you like to drink?

  老师:你想喝点什么? apple juice, please 苹果汁。谢谢。这里的第一个句子是一般疑问句,问是否想要某东西?回答用 yes please 表示愿意 no thanks 表示不需要,但要向对方表示感谢。第二个问句为特殊疑问句,用于询问对方想喝点什么。回答用 i would like some apple juice, milk water Coke 等表示想喝苹果汁、牛奶水、可乐等。也可以简略回答 apple juice milk water coke。

  老师:在这段对话中,还有 3 个常用语需要大家注意, what about you Jane 你呢?捡 milk for me please 请给我牛奶 me too。我也一样。 what about you 通常用于咨询完前面一个人的情况,再询问下一个人。 milk for me 它的完整说法是, i would like milk for me 表示给我 me too。也是一句省略语,表示回答者与前面人的情况一样。例如, i like apple juice very much me too two Michael comes from America me too。刚才我们学习了如何表达自己想吃什么或喝什么的愿望,现在就让我们走进一家餐馆,看看一位先生是如何点餐的。

  学生:What would you like to have? I like some rice and fish. Would you like some vegetables? Yes, please. And I'd like something to drink, too. What about some milk? No, thanks. Water, please. I don't like milk. Okay, just a moment, please.

  老师:Okay. Now let's listen to a conversation. When you listen, try to fill in the blanks in the conversation.

  学生:What would you like to have? I'd like some rice and chicken. Would you like some orange juice? No, thanks. What about some milk?

  老师:idea,英语中表示食物饮料的名词有很多,我们可以将它们分为可数名词 countbonus 和不可数名词uncomfortable。那么什么是可数名词?什么又是不可数名词 confluence 可数名词普通名词所表示的人或事物是可以按个数计算的,这类名词叫可数名词。例如, apple desk pen school uncomfortabl


《33 七年级上册Unit 3 Topic 3 Section A》.doc
