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7 Class 4 Textbook p.8-10_第3课时


  老师:Good morning boys and girls. Welcome to the English class. I'm Miss Wu. Today we'll continue to learn Unit 1. Going to school. Please get ready your books and your notebooks. I hope you will enjoy this lesson. In this lesson, well read a passage. With the help of pictures or some reading skills, we can understand the passage and try to retail it in our own words. Boys and girls, are you ready? Let's go. 1St, let's play a game. See, there are 9 words. Can you read it? Have a try. Great. Now please think about the past tense of the nine words and say it as soon as possible. Ready? Go is worth great. Were super. Go went excellent. Make made wonderful. You can have a try after the class. Now, can you make a full sentence? Use. In them, lets listen to some students, i was late yesterday why were you late i woke up late.

  学生:Evan to the park,yesterday.

  老师:Today well learn a passage first lets have a look, see who are they.

  老师:yes, they are 潇潇,乔乔 and Jenny where are they。 Super. They are on the school bus. Look, there's a boy. Is he Jim? Yes. See, Jim takes an umbrella. Maybe it's a rainy day, right? He is running very fast. So why was he running? Now let's go into the story.

  学生:Please listen carefully, read and think. It is a rainy day. Xiao Xiao is waiting for the school bus. There is a girl also waiting for the school bus. Her name is Jenny. She's in the 6th grade. They are in the same grade. Another little boy is also waiting for the bus. His name is . He is Xiao Xiao's brother. He is in the first grade. They see the bus coming. Everyone gets on the bus. But where is their friend Jim? Jim is running fast to catch the bus. The bus driver stops the bus and Jim gets on. Yesterday, Jim was late for school because his watch stopped. But today he is on time.

  老师:Now, please open your book and turtle page eleven. Let's read and learn.

  老师:Please read paragraph 1 and find the answers of the questions. Number one, what grade is Xiao Xiao in? Number two, who is Qiao? You can underline or her cozy answer. Go ahead, please. Shall we check the answer together? What grade is Xiao Xiao in? Jack, what's your opinion?

  学生:In the first paragraph it said her name is Jenny. She's in the 6th grade. They are in the same grade here. They means. xiaoxiao and Jenny so we can infer that xiaoxiao is in the sixth grade。

  老师:Wow, you are a thoughtful boy. You are so good at thinking. Boys and girls get the answer. So we choose C. This time. Let's have a practice. Please read the dialogues and fill in the blanks. Go. So number one, what grade is Jane in?

  老师:Yes, she's in the 5th grade. Number two, what great is Andy in? Yes, he's in the 3rd grade. Boys and girls, you are also good at thinking. Let's go on. number two who is 乔?what? Do you think, is the first para


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