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28 Lesson 4 Let's Spell


  老师:hello boys and girls im miss tian welcome to my English class today we are going to learn unit four shopping day, lesson four 今天我们要一起学习第四单元的 less spell 部分。

  老师:Please get your pens and books ready, and now please open your books and turn to page fifty. In this lesson, we'll learn how to pronounce th, then we'll read and write some words with it. Are you ready? Here we go. First, I want to tell you a funny story. It's about two men, Mister North and Mister Self. They often steal things in the city, so we call them thieves. Now, please listen to the story and try to find some words with th. Now let's listen.

  学生:Two thieves.

  学生:Mister North steals things in South City, and Mister South steals things in North City. One day, Mister North lost something. Must be Mister South. Mister South lost something too. It must be Mister North. What will Mister North and Mister South do? Mister North steals everything from Mr South, and Mister South steals everything from Mister North. But.

  老师:Okay, did you find them? Good. They are thieves. 5Th north, self, thing, something, everything. And what does th sound like in these words? Yes, you are right. Now let's listen. Watch and repeat.

  学生:This is a voiceless consonant. It's pronounced. Now. Did you notice that I make the sound by sticking my tongue out just a little bit and blowing air between my tongue and my top teeth? Now you try. Watch and listen.

  老师:again,同学们请注意,是个清辅音,发音时声带不振动,发这个音时主要是舌尖儿和上齿之间的摩擦,所以千万不要紧紧咬住舌尖,而是把舌尖轻轻触到上齿。 okay lets try。 I, again.

  学生:This is a voiceless consonant. It's pronounced. Now, did you notice that I make the sound by sticking my tongue out just a little bit and blowing air between my tongue and my top teeth? Now you try. Watch and listen. Again.

  老师:Much better. And now here is a chat for you. This time, let's chat together. Ready? Go. T. H. T. H. T. H.

  学生:T. H.

  学生:Now let's chant together. Th. Th.

  老师:One more try. T H. T. H. T. H. T.


  学生:Now let's chant together. Th.

  老师:Good job, boys and girls. Look, here are also some words with th. Do they sound like? Now let's listen and find. You can hear two times.

  学生:Then, this. There. That. Other, smooth. Then. This. There, that. Other. Smooth.

  老师:Okay, did you find it? Yes. Now let's listen, watch and repeat.

  学生:This is a voiced consonant. It's pronounced. Now, did you notice how my tongue sticks out just a little bit as I say it? Watch. The sound comes from between my tongue and my top teeth. Now you try. Watch. Lift. listen and repeat again。

  老师:呜同学们请注意,呜是个浊辅音,发音时需要震动声带。 okay lets try。 Again.

  学生:This is a voiced consonant. It's pronounced. Now, did you notice how my tongue sticks out just a little bit as I say it? Watch. The sound comes from between my tongue and my top teeth. Now you try. Watch, li


《28 Lesson 4 Let's Spell》.doc
