五年级 · 英语 · 陕旅版 · 上册

24 Unit 8 Where are you from Part B


  老师:Hello everybody. Welcome again. I'm Daisy. Today we'll continue learning Unit 8. Where are you from? Lesson 2, as usual, will sing a song to cheer us up. In this song, we have three friend. Please listen and find out who they are, where they are, and where they live. Ready, Gov, where are you from? I'm not China. Are you in baby?

  老师:I don't know. Happy man. I'm from my youngest. I live in New York.

  老师:Now you come. I'm from the UK. Are you in London? Okay, so who are in the sun? Tony, Jenny and the Billy in the sun. But where are they from and where do they live? Let's match. Tony from China, he lives in Beijing. Jenny from the USA. She lives in New York. Billy is from the UK. He lives in London. Many people love traveling. Look at this picture. There are two people there. They are traveling, too. So look at them. Are they Chinese? The man, it's Chinese, but the woman is not. So where are they? Good job. They are on the Great Wall in China. What season is it? Great. It's spring. We can see some green grass there. So let's listen and tick. Listen carefully.

  学生:Where do you come from?

  学生:I come from Australia.

  学生:Australia is far away. Yes.

  学生:Now it is autumn there. What about you?

  学生:I come from Xi'an.

  学生:Is it far from here?

  学生:Not very far. Welcome to visit our city. Thank you.

  老师:Good job. Did you get the answer? Now let's check it together. Where is the man from? He is from China. Where is the woman from? She is from Australia. So do you know Australia? Is Australia? Far away? Pay attention. Far away. Far away. So is Xi'an far from here? Pay attention. Far from. Far from. Good job. Now let's watch. Find out the answers.

  学生:Where do you come from?

  学生:I come from Australia.

  学生:Australia is far away. Yes.

  学生:Now it is autumn there. What about.

  学生:You? I come from Xi'an. Is it far from here? Very far. Welcome to visit our city. Thank you.

  老师:Okay, I think you got the answers. Yes. Now let's check. So is Australia far away? Yes, it is. It is far away. Is Xi'an far from here? No, it isn't. Isn't far from here. Good job. So we know it's spring in China, but what's the season now in Australia? Please open your books and turn to page 64 and read it and answer. Are you done? Good. It's autumn in Australia. Pay attention. Autumn. Autumn. Qiu Tian. So think it over. Why is it spring in China, but it's autumn in Australia? Do you know that? Great. Because Australia is in southern hemisphere. The seasons in Australia are the opposite of those in China. Now we knew something about Australia and let's listen. Filling the blanks. Ready? Go.

  学生:Where do you come from?

  学生:I come from Australia.

  学生:Australia is far away. Yes.

  学生:Now it is autumn there. What about you?

  学生:I come from Xi'an.

  学生:Is it far from here?



《24 Unit 8 Where are you from Part B》.doc
