五年级 · 英语 · 陕旅版 · 上册

17 Unit 6 How much is it Part A


  老师:Hello boys and girls. My name is summer. Welcome to my class. Today we are going to learn Unit 6. How much is it? Lesson 1. Come with me. Look, it is a fashion store. What can you see? Wow, there are so many beautiful clothes. Yesterday I went there and I bought some very beautiful clothes. Do you want to see? Let's go. Can you guess what I bought yesterday?

  老师:Oh, I bought a blue shirt. It looks very good. Look, shirt. Follow me shirt, shirt, s, H, I, R, t. Shirt, shirt. Very good. And this shirt is 100 yuan. I think it's very good. And I bought a yellow T-shirt for my son. It's very nice. Follow me. T-shirt, T-shirt, T-shirt. How much is it? Look, it's 90 yuan. And I bought a pair of shorts. Follow me. A pair of shorts. S H or TS? Shorts. Shorts. Shorts. How much are the shorts? They are 75 yuan. Great. In our daily life, we can say a pair of shorts. In our daily life, we can say a pair of trousers. Follow me. Childers trousers. And also a pair of socks. Socks. Socks. And a pair of glasses. A pair of glasses. A pair of glasses. A pair of shoes. A pair of shoes. Shoes. Excellent.

  老师:Boys and girls, today I want to introduce some friends for you. Can you predict what are they talking about? Are they talking about food? No. Are they talking about animals? No. They are talking about the clothes and the price. Okay, I will let you watch the video. Before watching the video, I will give you two questions. Question number one, what do they want to buy? Number two, how much is it? Let's see the video.

  学生:What can I do for you? We want to buy a T-shirt for our child. How about this green one? It's okay. Wow, that orange one is beautiful. Mom, I like it. It looks good. How much is it? It's 50 yuan. That's okay.

  老师:Okay, boys and girls, let me check your answer. Question number one, what do they want to buy? Wow, wonderful. They want to buy a T-shirt for their child. Number two, how much is it? It's 50 yuan. Great. Now, boys and girls, please listen to the dialogue and follow.

  学生:What can I do for you? We want to buy a T-shirt for our child. How about this green one? It's okay. Wow, that orange one is beautiful. Mom, I like it. It looks good. How much is it? It's 50 yuan. That's okay.

  老师:Boys and girls, you did a very good job this time. Please listen and feel. Let's.

  学生:Talk. What can I do for you? We want to buy a T-shirt for our child. How about this green one? It's okay. Wow, that orange one is beautiful. Mom, I like it. It looks good. How much is it? It's 50 yuan. That's okay.

  老师:Now let's check the answer. Wow, you are so good. What can I do for you? We want to buy a T-shirt. Good. How about this green one? It's okay. Wow, that orange one is beautiful. Mom, I like it. It looks good. How much is it? It's 50 yuan. Wonderful. Thank yo


《17 Unit 6 How much is it Part A》.doc
