五年级 · 英语 · 陕旅版 · 上册

2 Unit 1 Get up on time! Part B


  老师:Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to Ali's English class. Today we are going to learn. You need one. Get up on time. Lesson 2. First, let's see and dance together. Then tell me what's the song about?

  学生:What's the time? It's 1:00. Is 2:00. Is 3:00. It's 4:00. It's 5:00. It's 6:00. 7:00. It's 8:00. It's 9:00. It's . It's . It's .

  老师:What's the time? Do you know how to describe the time? Look, the shorthand is our hand and the long hand is minute hand. Do you know it? Clever child. Now, let's review. In the last class, we Learned about calling. What happen to him? Yes. Colin gets up at 7:00 and he get to school at 8:20. He is late to school, right? Good memory today. Let's learn more about calling. Look at the picture happen to him. Here are two questions for you. Let's look. 1, what time does calling get up? 2, what time does calling go to bed? Now, let's watch the video, then answer the two questions. Here.

  学生:You are. Wait again, Colin Mark, 8:30. I'm sorry, Miss White. What time do you get up? I get up 8:05. What time do you go to bed? Then? I go to bed. . Don't play too many computer games and go to to bed early. Hey.

  老师:Did you get the answer? You are so clever. Let's check the answer together. 1, what time does Colin get up? Good job. He gets up at 8:05. And what time does calling go to bed? Right? He goes to bed at . Now let's listen and repeat.

  学生:You are late again, Colin Mark, 8:30.

  学生:I'm sorry, Miss White, what time do you get up? I can up 8:05. What time do you go to bed then? I go to bed . Don't play too many computer games and go to bed early.

  老师:Okay, pronunciation, everyone. Now let's look at several points here. Look again in the last class, Colin goes to school at 8:20 and today he goes to school at eight, 30. He is late again. Read after me again. Again.

  老师:And next one, look, Miss White size. Don't play too many computer games and go to bed early. We should listen to Miss White and be a good child, right? Good job. Now let's do a practice here. Pig or cross. Let's do it together.

  老师:Number one, Colin isn't late to school. Yes or no? No, because here isn't, we should say Colin is late to school, right? Good. And number two, Colin gets up early. Of course not.

  老师:Colin gets up late. Number three, Colin goes to bed at in the evening. Right? And number four, Colin goes to bed early. No calling. Goes to bed late. Colin plays too many computer games. That's right. Did you? All right.

  老师:Now let's do more exercise. Look, let's help Colin to make a timetable and let him have a healthy life. Can you do that? Look at the timetable. Look, we can say Colin gets up at 7:00. Now, I will give you one minute to complete the timetable. Let's begin.

  老师:Okay, time is up. Have you finished? First, I want to show you my tim


《2 Unit 1 Get up on time! Part B》.doc
