三年级 · 英语 · 陕旅版 · 上册

1 Unit 1 Hello! Part A


  老师:Hello boys and girls, welcome to our English class. Look, I am your new English teacher today and my name is Xu Juan, so you can call me Miss Xu. And from today, we are going to have a new subject. We call it English, speaking of English. Do you know about it? We can see English in our daily life. There are some letters, they are English, and there are also some signs. We can see English too. Why should we learn English? Take a look.

  老师:You see, learning English can help us to see a whole new world. So boys and girls, start our new adventure. This is our new English book. There are eight, 8 units in this book and we also can meet many new friends in the book. Are they, do you know their names? Let's take a look.

  学生:Hello. Hi. Goodbye, Miss White. Bye bye, Colin. Hi, I'm Shunan. What's your name? My name is Li Shan.

  老师:You see in our textbook there are lots of new friends, boys and girls. Do you know who are they? This boy with a blue cap.

  老师:刘朝阳, how about this girl this is 吴成 they are Chinese just like us how about them?

  老师:who are they this boy is calling and this is their English。 Teacher, she is Miss White. Who are they? Yes, they are Chinese too. Beautiful girl is Li Shan. And the handsome boy, who is he? He is Su Nan.

  老师:You see there are so many new friends. And how to greet people, please listen. Hello, hi. We can say hello or hi. And how to introduce ourselves to the others. Please look.

  学生:Hi, I'm Shunan. What's your name? My name is.

  老师:Li Shan. When we want to introduce ourself, we can say, my name is Li Shan. Says my name Li Shan. And she also can say, I'm Li Shan. How about Sunan? Su Nan says, my name's Sunnan. And he could also say m. Sudan. You see, boys and girls, now please introduce yourself to your partner. Please go. So how to ask about the other's name? We can say.

  学生:What's your.

  老师:Name? Yes, let's read it together. Your name. Then you can answer. My name is or m. Now boys and girls, maybe you can say it together. Look is she. Can you ask about her name? Let's say what's your name? And then she says my name is kitty. This is our new friend TT. Now maybe you can in introduce yourself and ask about the others with your partner. Please go.

  老师:Now boys and girls, let's play a guessing game. Do you know who is this? Let's ask him together. We say, I'm somebody. And then we ask about the other's name. Maybe we can say, hello, I'm. xujun whats your name?

  学生:hello im 马良。

  老师:very good next one whos this cool girl lets say it together hello im whats your name?

  学生:Hi im mu lan.

  老师:Yes this is huanan how about this boy. Lets say it together.

  学生:Very good this is hi im chenxiang.

  老师:yes this is chenxiang。 Just now we talk about our friends, how time flies now, calling Matt, Miss White again. And what


《1 Unit 1 Hello! Part A》.doc
