六年级 · 英语 · 译林版 · 上册

28 Period 4 Checkout time & Ticking time


  老师:Hello, boys and girls. I'm Miss John. I come from Nanjing, Inlong Garden Primary School. Today we are going to learn, unify science sometime. Checkout time and take in time. Look, boys and girls, there are the aims of this lesson. Let's read together.

  老师:1St, I know the sound of I R. Second, I know some public science. 3Rd, I can use mean to ask and answer questions about science. And let's play a guessing game to start today's lesson. Listen carefully. It is long. It can run fast. It's good for our environment. And it mostly runs underground. Can you guess what is it? Yes, it's a metro. And today we are going on a metro tour. Join me and have fun.

  老师:1St, let's go to the first station, Sound Park Station. Now we are in the sound part. Look at the picture. What can you see in the park? Yes, we can see a girl and a bird. They are talking about something. And the girl looks very happy. So why is she so happy today? Let's listen carefully. The little bird said to the girl, why are you so happy today? The girl said to the little bird, bird, because today is my birthday. The little.

  学生:Bird said to the girl, why are you so happy today? The girl said to the little bird, because today is my birthday.

  老师:Day. Okay, boys and girls, do you know why is the girl so happy today? Yes, because it's her birthday. And let's read the rhyme together. The little bird said to the girl, why are you so happy today? The girl said to the little bird, because today is my birthday. Now, boys and girls, did you find some special words in it? Look, bird, girl, birthday. What can you find? Yes, they all have I, are and how to pronounce it. Let's read. Bird, girl, birthday. Did you find? Let's listen. I are I yes, here it pronounces and we were Learned many words that have the same sound of IR. What are they? Let's think.

  老师:Okay. What words come to your mind? Now you can read with me together. Dirty shirt, skirt, 30,1st and so on. They all have IR and pronounce but boys and girls, some other letters also pronounce let's take a challenge. Okay, let's play a game. Read and judge. Please read the words you say.

  老师:If the red letters pronounce give me a sum up. If not, give me a thumb down. Understand? Let's go. T-shirt? Yes. Birthday? Yes. Her? Yes. Leader? No. Thursday? Yes. Tired? No. Bird? Yes. Okay. These words all pronounce now, can you use them to help the girl finish her diary? You can read and choose.

  老师:Okay. My student Amy wants to share her answer with you. Now. Let's listen and check. July 23rd, Thursday. Today is my 13th birthday the pink T-shirt is my present then I went to the park and talked to a little bird I wanted to give her some food but there's a sign of fading so I didn't feed the bird but I was still very happy well, she did a good job wha


《28 Period 4 Checkout time & Ticking time》.doc
