选择性必修第二册 ·英语· 译林版

19 Welcome to the unit


  老师:Hello, everyone. Welcome to Unit 4, living with technology. Bill Gates said the advance of technology is based on make it fit in so that you don't really even notice it. So it's part of everyday life.

  老师:Nowadays, we are surrounded by all kinds of advanced technology, tools unimaginable before. And what kind of technology do you think is inseparable from your life?

  老师:Good. These kinds of technology do bring us great convenience. Actually, certain technology had been imagined in some science fiction works before they turned into reality. Now let's watch a video.

  学生:Unit 4, living with technology. Welcome to the unit. The great science fiction writer George Byrne said anything one man can imagine, other men can make real. If we compare what is described in science fiction with what is happening in real life, we can easily understand what Jules Verne means. In popular science fiction novels, such as Jules Verns, 20000 Leagues under the sea, we find perfect examples of the connection between science fiction and reality. Published in 1870, this novel describes a huge electric submarine traveling deep under the ocean. It seemed impossible to people at that time, yet today, submarines are capable of taking people to the deepest known part of the ocean. Traveling to the moon was also thought to be impossible. When 2001, a Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke came out in 1968, mankind had not yet set foot on the moon. His novel got people to imagine the future and offered a look at manned flights to the moon. In 1969, the United States Apollo 11 became the first manned spacecraft to land on the moon.

  学生:Of course, there are still many scenes in science fiction that seem wild and impossible to us today. In science fiction films like The Matrix, humans connect their brains with computers and enter a virtual world that is indistinguishable from the real world. With the most recent development in brain computer interface technology, scientists have managed to connect animal brains to a computer. It means we are one step closer to turning the imagined scenes in the matrix into reality.

  学生:What the future will be like is anybody's guess. Yet one thing is for sure, the development of science and technology opens up endless possibilities for life in the future. Remember, anything one man can imagine, other men can make real.

  老师:Okay, what's a video about?

  老师:Good. It's about descriptions of some predictive technologies in three famous science fiction works. 20000 Leagues under the sea, 2001, a space artistic and the matrix. Now please fill in the blanks according to what you've watched.

  老师:Let's check the answers together.

  老师:Good. And which kinds of technology mentioned have turned into reality?

  老师:Yes, electric submarine and manned flights h


《19 Welcome to the unit》.doc
