选择性必修第一册 ·英语· 译林版

13 Welcome to the unit + Reading_第1课时


  老师:Hello everyone. Welcome to my class. Today I will take you to explore poetry. There is an ancient thing that goes after reading up 300 ton points, you can at least in turn poems, even you can't write them. I think all of you are familiar with this collection or poem because when we were young, we were required to read them. So can you name some famous points? Yes. they are 李白,杜甫,孟浩然 Wang Wei, and so on they are all Chinese。

  老师:Points and I will also show you some foreign points like Lanston Hughes, Shirley William Wordsworth, Robert of roast and so on. And now I will show you a poem, read it aloud and guess who is the poet. Spring morning, this spring morning in bed I'm lying not too awake, two birds are crying after one night of wind and showers. How many are the fallen flowers? Okay, I think you have got the answer. The poet is menhayuan and this poem is called chunxiao. Now I will show you another poem written by a foreign Lanceten. Hues dreams fast to dreams. If dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly for the fast 2 dreams. For when dreams go, life is a barren field frozen with snow. How do you like the two points and why if you have no ideas? Okay, now please open your books 10 to page 44. Today we will learn how to read a poem. After finish learning this passage, I think you can answer my previous question. Okay, now please read the lecture transcript, find the topic sentence of each paragraph, and complete the chart below.

  老师:Actually, poetry is a combination of sound and sense. When you read a poem aloud, you should follow your years and ask, how does it sound? You should approach the poem like an explorer in an unfamiliar landscape. You should also be patient. Remember that it's not necessary to fully understand a point.

  老师:Okay, now let's come to the first paragraph. Read it and think about this question. How is poetry different from other types of literature? The answer is poetry implies a deeper meaning beyond the words on the play page. That is why poetry is difficult to understand.

  老师:Okay, what is the function of the first problem, first paragraph? It serves as a brief introduction to poetry. Okay, now let's come to the second paragraph. Follow your ears. When you read a poem aloud, what qualities should you pay attention to? You should pay attention to repeat the words, rhymes, alliteration and so on. Alliteration means the use of the same letter or sound at the beginning of words that are close together, can now read the poem below aloud and to feel how it sounds.

  老师:Sweet and low, sweet and low, wind up the western sea, low, read and blow, wind of the Western Sea. Over the rolling waters go, come from the dining moon and below, blow him again to me while my little one, while my pretty one sleeps. So


《13 Welcome to the unit + Reading_第1课时》.doc
