选择性必修第一册 ·英语· 译林版

9 Integrated skills_第1课时


  老师:Good morning, everyone. Today's lesson is about integrated skills on making instructions on how to make an unusual picture. This is period one. Firstly, let's appreciate masterpieces from masters. Picture one, impression, sunrise by morning. Picture 2, The Starry Night by Van Gogh. So we can find art exists in our daily life, from actually in our daily life. We can create unusual pictures. For example, in Picture 1, we can create the image of a beautiful woman by taking advantage of the wall as her face and her hair, as with the flowers. In Picture 2, we use walnuts to create the image of a huge, amazing, right? Yes. So we can say everywhere, we can create our own masterpieces. So in today's lesson, we are going to learn something more specific about making instructions on how to make an unusual picture.

  老师:Firstly, let's watch a TV program. Lisa has found a tea about the use of unusual materials in art. Watch the TV program, finish the exercises below, and then watch the tier program again and complete the notes below.

  老师:Pay attention when you are lesson for examples. The speaker often uses examples to help the audience understand the main idea better, as well as to present the topic more interesting way. When you listen, pay attention to phrases. Signal examples for example, for instance, jazz. So have you got that? Okay, let's get started.

  老师:So in these two parts we have Learned something about the materials and steps we need to to make an unusual picture. And then let's read two passages about instructions. Passage one, how to make amazing food portrait. In the first part, you can introduce a topic about the amazing food portrait. Part two, you can provide the materials. For example, a large piece of toast, a variety of vegetables and another. As for the steps, step one, lay your toast out on the table.

  老师:Step 2, cut vegetables to create different parts of the face. For example, red peppers can be used to make the mouth. Slices of garlic can be used to create teeth. Mushrooms can be used to make eyes. Onions make great ears.

  老师:3, arrange the vegetables on a toast to create your portrait. And then you can have your concluding remarks. The best part about this art project is that you can eat it when you are done, but before you do, make sure you take a photo of it. That way your art can live alone after dinner time.

  老师:This is Passage 1 about how to make amazing food portrait. Pasture too instructions on making a seisha picture. In the first part, it also introduces the topic of seashells, and then provide the materials that you need. Seashells, a piece of cardboard blue. And the procedures. Step one, collect a bag of seashells from the beach. Step two, decide what image you want to create with your seashells and select seashe


《9 Integrated skills_第1课时》.doc
