必修 第三册 ·英语· 译林版

19 Integrated skills_第1课时


  老师:Hello everyone, nice to meet you and welcome to my class. I know as teenagers you must be very interested in a lot of things like science, at music and right? And today let's look at this picture. This guy who is also very interested in science and actually he is the chairperson of school science club. He's talking about school science festival. So today our task is making a plan for the school science festival.

  老师:Task 1, listen to the talk, circle the incorrect information in each segment and correct it. Before we listen to the tape. Please skim the 5 sentences. And when you are listening to the tape you must secure the wrong one and corrected into the right way. So have you skimmed all of the sentences? Now let's listen to the tape.

  学生:Page 50, Integrated Skills, Part A. Our annual science festival is coming up next month. As members of the Science Club, you should write a plan for the Science Festival. First, let me explain the aim of the festival and the events we'll have. We started the Science Festival three years ago. It aims to encourage students to take an interest in science and develop skills that may help them in their future lives. The science festival will last three days.

  学生:The first and most important thing you need to do is to think of a theme for this year's festival. All events will be centered around the theme you decide on. For the first event, we'll invite a well known scientist to give a lecture. Think about who you'd like us to invite, when and where the lecture will be given, and a topic that students might be interested in. Then we'll have a science workshop where students can try different experiments. So you should also come up with ideas for experiments that could be done, including what equipment and materials would be needed.

  学生:Finally, there'll be a huge science fair. Each class can design some activities and decorate their classroom. And you should give some suggestions on how to do these in your plan. Please send me your plan by this Friday. Next week, we'll make a final decision on this year's theme and events. Thank you.

  老师:Okay, now let's check your answers. First one, there is mistake. And two months, right? It shouldn't be in two months, but it should be, yes, next month. And second one, of course, the time five years is not wrong. It should be three years. And number three, here, studies is wrong. It should be future lives.

  老师:What about number four? Students cannot design different experiments. They can only try different experiments. And number five, next time, next week is wrong. So it should be by this Friday. From this one, we know that when we want to write a plan, we must pay more attention to the time. Okay, task 2. Now please listen again and complete the notes blur. Before we list


《19 Integrated skills_第1课时》.doc
