必修 第二册 ·英语· 译林版

15 Reading_第2课时


  老师:Hello everyone. Welcome to today's online class. Today we're going to talk about Unit 4 reading passage, the second period, the wonder of literature. In the previous class, the teacher raised one question. Have you thought it over? Do you think this passage is well written? Today I'm going to explore the answer with you concerning the following three aspects, the structure of the passage, the expressions and sentence patterns, the way the author supports his opinion.

  老师:Let's first talk about the structure. Could you still remember how many parts are there in this passage? They report four parts, introduction, transition, details and conclusion. In the first paragraph, a story of a man and a child is told to arouse readers interest. The child stands for people who are curious and interested in literature. The man represents people who make an effort to explain and understand the literature.

  老师:In the second paragraph, this is a transition part. This part is to tell us studying literature can also lead us to a new world. And then the author talks about the three qualities of literature thoroughly. In the third part, the last part, it's a conclusion.

  老师:In the last paragraph, the author tries to restate his opinion that literature deserves our attention and studying. When you are reading, you may notice these words or phrases, such experience as this. In a word, the first, the second, the third. In summary, these words are called cohesive devices. They help the author to clearly develop the passage and help readers to easy it. Help readers easy to follow. Then in this way, the author makes the whole passage well organized and cohesive. This is what we should learn from the writing style of the author.

  老师:So still remember the main idea of the passage. Let's review the PA. The main idea by filling the blanks using the words given in the box. Now, please do it by yourself and try to fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. I think you can do the answer correctly by yourself. Let's check the answers together. A child held a shell to his ears and was amazed that the shell caught a range of sounds that human ears would have missed.

  老师:Similar experience lies in store for us when we begin the study of literature. To enjoy and appreciate literature, we are expected to determine the three qualities literature possesses, such as its description of truth and beauty, its appeal to our feelings and imagination, as well as its good permanence, which contains two elements, universal interest and personal style. In summary, literature is the expression of life, the written record of man's thoughts and feelings, and the history of the human soul.

  老师:Well done. By doing this passage, okay, you recall the main idea of the passage, and at the


《15 Reading_第2课时》.doc
