必修 第二册 ·英语· 译林版

5 Extended reading


  老师:hello boys and girls my name is echo im from suzhou high school affiliated to xian 交通 university welcome。 To my class. Today, we are going to explore the extended reading section of Unit 1, Forest Gump. By the end of this section, we will be able to grasp how a script is composed, understand the content of the script, analyze the personality of each character, and appreciate the lines in the excerpt. Joining us today are two of my students, Lucas and Andy. Guys, do you know this film award? Yes, this is the Academy Award or the Oscar. From the previous sections, we Learned that some films won the award for sound effects, some for visual special effects, and some for lifelike props. For years, many filmmakers are striving for this award, like Leonardo DiCaprio. After 20 years, he finally got one. But there is one film which got six awards and that film is Forest Gump. Have you ever heard about it? Well, it was born in 1994, much older than you guys. What is the story about? Who is Forest Gump? What kind of person is he? Let's read the introduction to find out. Forest Gum was played by Tom Hugs. First is a simple person with a warm personality. His IQ is only 75. Is it above or below average, right? Below average. Despite that, he lives an amazing life as he sees and even influences some major events in history. Now comes my question. Do you think he's a stupid or he's a smart?

  学生:In terms of IQ, I think he is not smart, but he influences some major events in history. Perhaps he is smart in a different way.

  老师:Done you can see things from two different perspectives. As is mentioned, different fumes when people's heart for different reasons. Forrest Gump does not have fancy sound effects or visual special effects, but a touching story and the way it tells the story truly impresses all the audience. Let's appreciate the beginning of the film together. When you watch this clip, you are supposed to find out the setting of the thing, the characters plus their personalities at the plot.

  学生:Hello, my name is Forrest Gump.

  学生:Do you want a chocolate? I could eat about a million and a half of these. My mom always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.

  学生:Those must be comfortable shoes. I bet you could walk all day and shoes like that and not feel a thing. I wish I had shoes like that. My feet hurt. Mom always said there's an awful lot you could tell by the person, by their shoes, where they going, what they've been.

  学生:I've won a lot to shoes. I bet if I think about real hard I could remember my first pair of shoes. Mama said they take me anywhere. She said they was my magic shoe. All right forest now, let's take a little walk around.

  学生:Hello, Phil. His lyrics are strong as gone as strongest I've ever


《5 Extended reading》.doc
