四年级 · 英语 · 人教版 · 下册

3 Unit 1 Lesson 3 Lucky's Neighbourhood


  老师:同学们大家好,我是清华大学附属小学的英语老师王静,你们可以称呼我 miss Wang 或者Echo。今天我们一起来学习人教版英语四年级下册第一单元, my neighborhood 第三课 luckys neighborhood。在本课,我们将要学习 lucky 所生活的社区,其中包括一些常见场所、设施的英文表达,并学习如何描述他们在社区中的位置,以及可以在这些场所做什么事情。这是一节读写结合的课,因此请同学们提前准备好笔和纸。

  老师:okay, boys and girls are you ready to have fun and learn English with me here we go, lets enjoy a song together, where is the post office? where is the post office? where is the post office? its in pink street, where is the clinic? where is the clinic? its in purple street?

  老师:where is the supermarket? where is the supermarket its in red street?

  老师:where is the restaurant where is the restaurant its in yellow street。 Where is the bookshop? In the bookshop? In the bookshop. Where is the bookshop?

  老师:Where is Silly Monker? Cinema. Monkey Cinema. Wearing Cinema. Been orange drink. Wow, what a lovely song, right? So what's the song about? Yes, it's about some different places in the neighborhood. Now, do you still remember in this video? Places are there in this neighborhood? Is there a post office? Yes. And applies. Is it a clinic? Right? Anna? Supermarket. Did you see this? Yes. A restaurant. Okay, what's it bookshop. Great. Last one. It's a cinema. Very good. Bravo. You are very smart.

  老师:Look, our friend Eric moved to a new neighborhood. He wants to go to some places, but he doesn't know how to get there. He needs help. Do you want to help him? Yes. One day, Eric wants to see a film. So how can he get to the cinema? Do you know? He can go straight, enter left at the first crossroads. Great. Eric can enjoy the movie.

  老师:Now, the other day, Eric is sick. He needs to see a doctor. So how can he get to the hospital? Can you tell him? Yes, he can go Street, enter right at the second crossroads. Very good. Eric is so happy. Boys and girls, you are so helpful.

  老师:Now we are going to read a story. It's about lucky and his owner, Bill. This is Bill's neighborhood. One day, Bill asks lucky to send a book to his friend. What happens next? Now it's your time to read the whole passage and try to think. Does lucky send a book from the post office in the end? Okay, Time's up. Can you try to answer the question? Does lucky send a book from the post office in the end? No, he doesn't. Do you know why? Let's fly the reason together. Okay? Let's listen to the story and pay attention to all the policies you hear. Here we go. Lesson.

  学生:3. Hey, read and draw the root. Bill asks lucky to send a book to his friend. Lucky some money from the bank and then get to the post office before 4:30. Lucky leaves. At 3:30, he goes straight and turns left. At the second crossroads, he sees the bank next to a restaurant. He gets some money and then goes into the restaurant. There. He eats a hamburger. Then he sees a toy shop across from the restaura


《3 Unit 1 Lesson 3 Lucky's Neighbourhood》.doc
