七年级 · 下册 · 译林版

37 Unit 6 More of Alice in Wonderland


  老师:hello guy im miss Liu, im from liyang welcome to my class before class you should pay attention to the following tips, tip one please prepare the English book and appen tip two if you need more time to think about the question, you can press the pores key are you ready okay, lets begin our class first look at the picture who is a little girl do you know yes, this is Alice what did she see she saw a rabbit, she was very surprised, so what did she do you know yes so clever she ran after the rabbit after they ran across the field the rabbit saw a big hole what did the rabbit do the rabbit jumped down the big hole then Alice jumped down the big hole too the hole is。 Very long in the hall. What did Alice notice?

  老师:She noticed a small door. After she opened the small door, what did she. see she saw a lovely garden do you know。 At that moment, what did Alice want to do? Yes, she wanted to enter the lovely garden. Happened yes, she was too big to go through the door, so she failed to enter the lovely garden. Fail. That means can't do something. Do you want to know more about the story? Okay.

  老师:This time, open your books, turn to page 78 and read a paragraph one carefully. Then answer my question. What did Alice see on the table? Read it carefully. Are you okay? Let's check the answer. She saw a little bottle on the table. What did the note on the bottle say? Do you know? Yes, it said, drink me. Hi, guy. If you were Alice, will you drink the water? Why think yet? Over? Okay. I will show you my student's ideas. Please listen carefully.

  学生:I will drink the water because I want to have a try. Maybe it is delicious.

  老师:The boy is very brave.

  学生:I will drink the water because it may help me to go through the door.

  老师:The girl is very cute, curious about the water.

  学生:I won't drink the water because it may make me feel.

  老师:Ill. This boy is a little afraid while thinking about the question. Boys and girls, you should know that different people have different ideas. Try to have your own ideas. Do you want to know more about your story? I want to know more. Here are my questions. Does she drinks the water? Happened? Did she enter the garden and why? What did she see under the table this time? Read the whole passage and find out the answers.

  学生:Alice did not know what to do. Then she went back to the table and saw a little bottle on it. A note on the bottle said, drink me. Alice opened the bottle and drank a little, tasted sweet. Alice liked it some more. Then she felt a little ill. She looked down and saw that her body became smaller, smaller. Soon Alice was small enough to go through the door. So she decided enter the garden. When she walked towards the door, she forgot about the key. Alice had to go back to the table. She was too small to r


《37 Unit 6 More of Alice in Wonderland》.doc
