七年级 · 下册 · 译林版

6 Unit 1 Study skills Stress in a word


  老师:Hello, I'm Miss Tom. I'm from Changzhou in Jiangsu province. Welcome to my class. For class, please prepare the English book and a pen. If you need more time to think about the question, you can press the pause key. Okay, it's start our class. At first, let's watch a video and think about words, pronunciations. Please watch it carefully. What's the weather like today?

  学生:It's sunny today. You should read it like this today.

  老师:Okay? In the dialogue, there is a role pronunciation. Have you got it? Listen to me carefully. Today, today, which one is wrong? The first one is Rome. We should read it today, not today. Look at them again. They have the same syllables, but different pronunciations. What makes the difference? That's what we will learn in this lesson.

  老师:Stress in a word. English words are made up of syllables. Syllables are created by the vowel sound. Take the word today as an example. Today it has two vowel sound and a, it has two syllables. How can we count the syllables in a word? In fact, we just need to count the vowel sounds in them. For example, look, this is a book. The name of the book is The Old Man and sea. Look at these words. Each of them has only one vowel sound. For example, the word book has a vow San Wu. The word old has a vow sound o.

  老师:The word man has a vowel sound at the word C has a vowel sound E. Each of them has only one syllable. It's read more. In summer, it is very hot. To keep healthy, we need to drink more water. Summer. Summer. It has two vowel sounds. Water. Water. It has two vowel sounds. They both have two syllables. In summer, we can enjoy delicious foods. The first one, banana. Banana. How many syllables are there? Three syllables. Watermelon. Watermelon. How many syllables are there? Four syllables. Okay, let's have a short summary. One of our sound forms, one syllable. When we count the syllables in the words, we just need to count the vowel sound in them. It's read these words again. Book, it has one syllable. Summer, it has two syllables. Water, it has two syllables. Banana, it has three syllables. Watermelon, it has four syllables. Are you clear? Now practice, please. Read the new words and count the syllables in them. Read them carefully. Okay, it's rhythm, one by one. Beautiful, it has three syllables. Country, it has two syllables. Palace, it has two syllables. Expensive, it has three syllables. Potato, it has three syllables. Tomorrow, it has three syllables. Between, it has two syllables. Enjoy, it has two syllables. Halloween, it has three syllables. Look at these words. They all have more than one syllable. When we pronounce words with more than one syllable, we stress one of the syllables. For example, when we read the word Halloween, we should pay attention to the stress Mark. It


《6 Unit 1 Study skills Stress in a word》.doc
