七年级 · 下册 · 译林版

4 Unit 1 Grammar Cardinal numbers & Ordinal numbers


  老师:Hello, I am miss down from Changzhou into my class. Before we start our class today, please prepare the English book and a pen. And if you need more time to think about the question, press the post key. So by the end of the lesson, the students will be able to read cardinal numbers correctly and use them to describe numbers, sizes and so on. And use ordinal numbers to talk about dates, floors, results and so on. Usually when we talk about numbers, we talk about cardinal numbers and ordinary numbers.

  老师:Okay, now let's first learn about cardinal numbers. We use cardinal numbers almost we die and we use them to talk about the numbers of people, all things. For example, No. 8 bus, two boys, page 25, Tianyuan, five magazines also. Now, can you read cardinal numbers? Let's read from 0 to nine. Let's begin.

  老师:0,1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9. Okay, let's go on. 10,11,12,13. Here, t, E, E, N, team, 14,15,16,17,18,19. Okay, ty, 30,40,70,80,90. Still, 21,22,23. So we can find.

  老师:十位和个位之间我们要加连字符 and we have yes, one hundred 100 so lets read the cardinal numbers here one hundred 百 two hundred next one, three thousand thousand 千 four thousand fifty thousand six hundred thousand, seven million。百万。

  老师:eighty million nine hundred million next one reach the numbers here, one hundred and two, two hundred and twenty two three hundred and eight five hundred and thirty nine, so we can see。

  老师:读三位以上的数字时,要在十位前加, and 如果十位是0,则在个位前加。

  老师:end so now lets practice the first one,yes, nine hundred and eleven second one, seven hundred and fifteen next, four hundred and two next one five hundred, and fifty four okay next two hundred and nine okay then how do we read these numbers here, usually we have a comer and we read the first comer here thousand,so, four thousand and four thousand three hundred and six, next twenty three thousand, eight hundred and thirteen next one, five hundred, and sixty seven thousand, one hundred and ten and the second comer we read it million, so this number six million, four hundred and twenty five thousand two hundred and eighths okay can you read the numbers here lets try first one eight million, one hundred and seventy thousand five hundred and twenty number two eight million seventy thousand five hundred and two next one eight million, seven thousand and two last one eight million and fifty two okay now lets do a practice the first number。 okay eight。 thousand three hundred and forty four next, nine million, two hundred and eleven next sixty seven thousand and eighty nine next, nine million, seventy thousand eight hundred and eleven the last one,okay, one hundred and twenty three million, four hundred and fifty six thousand, seven hundred and eighty nine, okay next lets learn about different countries now, lets read the sentences here number one


《4 Unit 1 Grammar Cardinal numbers & Ordinal numbers》.doc
