四年级 · 英语 · 人教版 · 上册

44 Lesson 2


  老师:Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to English class and Miss Fu. It's great to see you again. Look, we have Learned asking for help, safety and jobs in Unit 4,5 and six. Let's continue to review what we have Learned. First, let's listen to a song and think, what is it about?

  学生:Be careful. Don't climb on the window ledge. It's dangerous. Don't play with fire. It's dangerous. Don't run with Scissors. It's dangerous. Be careful.

  学生:Be careful. Don't jump on the bed. It's dangerous. Don't touch dangerous things. It's dangerous. Don't imitate that. It's.

  老师:Dangerous. Be careful. Okay, what is the sound about? Yes, it's about safety rules at home. And we also have Learned safety rules in the street, at school and when we play, they are all about safety. Boys and girls, we should follow all these safety rules and always be safe.


  老师:Okay, first, let's talk about some safety rules we have Learned before.

  老师:Look, the boy is swimming in the lake. Is it dangerous or safe? Oh, it is very dangerous. What would you say to him? Peter, would you like to share with us?

  学生:Don't swim in the lake. Please swim in a swimming pool.

  老师:They are walking across the street. Is it dangerous or safe? It is safe. Why? Because they are waiting for the green lights and they are walking on the crosswalk. Well done. The boy is climbing the tree to get a kite. Is it dangerous or safe? Oh, it is very dangerous. What would you say to him? Lily, would you like to share with us?

  学生:Don't climb the tree. Please ask the grown up for help.

  老师:I agree with you. Look at the girl. She is riding a bike. Is it dangerous or safe? It is safe. Why? Because she is riding a bike with the help of her mother in the park. And she is also wearing a helmet. Well done. Look, these boys are playing football in the classroom. Is it dangerous or safe? It is dangerous. Playing football in the classroom may hurt others. Look, here comes the teacher. What would she say to them.

  学生:Wendy? Don't play football in the classroom. You will hurt others. Please play football in the playground.

  老师:Safety rules. Very well. Follow the safety rules to keep us safe. Look, here comes some friends. He is apple and he is carrot. Who's she? She is Angel. What happens to them and what can we do to help them? Let's think and help.

  学生:It's a very hot summer day. The children are playing football. Suddenly, apple gets some stroke. Apple, are you? You all right.

  老师:Oh apple gets sandstroke.


  老师:apple is in danger。 What should we do to help apple? I have some choices for you. Move apple to the cool place. Let apple still lie in the sun. Let's think about it. Lily, what will


《44 Lesson 2》.doc
