三年级 · 英语 · 外研社版 · 上册

4 Module 2 Review


  老师:Hello boys and girls, welcome to our English class. I miss Leo. Nice to see you again. How are you? Great. Let's begin. Today we are going to learn Module 2, the revision.

  老师:parts 通过本节课的学习,我们将能够正确运用 good afternoon whats your name IM 进行交流,便与他人礼貌问好。

  老师:so are you ready for the class lets begin?

  老师:同学们,在之前的学习中,我们在学校里认识了许多同学和几位新老师。那么首先让我们一起跟随动画来回顾一下, hi darming hello sam, how are you Amy, calling and how are you im fine too? thank you, morning boys and girls im as smart morning miss smart,hello, hello musmud im Ling, hello Ming, Dawming 哈哈hahaha。在学校里,学生们一起学习,一起游戏,互相认识,成为了好朋友。一周快乐的学习生活结束,来到了周末的早上。

  老师:Now let's sing a song together. Good morning, son. Good morning, Sam.

  老师:good morning Fang how are you good morning Fang how are you im fine? thank you im fine hello。 Now, boys and girls, let's say good morning to Sam. Good morning, Sam. 今天几位好朋友约好了一起出去玩,他们去了哪里? lets see?没错,就是游乐场,现场热闹极了,我们也一起去感受一下吧。

  老师:look, he has some balloons, do you want to get a balloon?

  老师:哈哈, sam and his friends also want to get a balloon look domain is coming can he get a balloon, lets listen hi,hi,wow, dummy is right he can answer the question so dummy can get a balloon?

  老师:what about the other students lets have a look Lin Lin is coming lets listen good afternoon, good afternoon, wow great Lin Lin, so Lin gets a balloon, wow sam is coming too, good afternoon, good afternoon good job sam can sam get to the balloon,yes, he can, now they will check in what will they say。


  老师:good afternoon boys and girls, good afternoon。


  老师:your name please, im Lin Lin so Lin Lin can get the ticket。

  老师:your name please im sam oh sam gets a ticket,too, your name please im dumming oh good job dummy you can get a ticket。


  老师:Let's listen and choose the right answer. Round one, I'm Miss Smart. Look, which one is the right answer? Yes, the first one. I'm Miss Smart. Round two, how are you, Amy? Now, boys and girls, can you choose the right answer? Yes, the third one. Good job. Round 3. Let's listen. Good afternoon. So which one is right? Bingo. The first one. Good afternoon. And Round 4, your name, please. Let's see which one is right. Yes, the first one. Your name, please. They had a very good time. But boys and girls, let's guess. Where is Amy?

  老师:Amy Chenalena. Look, Amy is in the library and she is talking with a man. What are they talking? Let's listen. Good afternoon. good afternoon。 Amy 在图书馆遇到了一位男士,他们正在聊天。 your name please, Amy 两个人还礼貌地询问了对方的姓名。 now Amy is going home 现在借完书, Amy 要回家了。

  老师:what will she meet on the way?

  老师:在回家的路上,她又会遇到谁? what will happen?会发生什么样有趣的事情? lets see 我们一起去看一看。

  老师:wow 几位好朋友相遇了。

  老师:hi Amy, how are you Amy, im fine? and how are you? im fine? too thank you?看他们正在相互问候,并且非常有礼貌。偶遇


《4 Module 2 Review》.doc
