选择性必修第一册 ·英语· 外研社版

16 Unit 4 Meeting the muse(4)


  老师:hello everyone im yu Yan from liang xiang high school。 Who affiliated to Beijing Normal University. Welcome to my class. In today's lesson, we will go on Learning Unit 4 and focus on writing, learning how to write an invitation. After this class, you will be able to get the main idea and specific information of the invitation to the tech, our festival. Find out the structure, style and features of an invitation. Write an invitation to an art festival, and finally, improve your own writing.

  老师:Suppose that you want to invite a client to come to your company or simply want to invite your friends to your birthday party. On occasions like this, an invitation becomes necessary. Some invitations are in the form of card, while others are in the form of letters. It is an invitation from our textbook.

  老师:Now I'd like you to look at this invitation card carefully and find out what information. shoot an invitation card include lets look at。 It together, the first part, Wu's high school students are festival. so woothhigh school is the organizer of the event well students are festival is the type of the event next part tech art, it is a theme of the event and William sports center its the location of the event。 And these two parts, November the 12th to 16th from 9:00am to eight PM and opening night on November the 12th from six PM to. eight p m are the time of the exhibition。 Therefore, we can know that an invitation card should tell the organizer type, the theme, the location and the time of the event.

  老师:Now that we have acquired the basic information of an invitation card, let's move on to learn about another form of invitation, the imitation letter. It is more personal and formal than invitation card. So what is an invitation letter? An invitation letter is a simple letter written to invite or request the presence of an individual or groups for Celebration or an important activity. It can be an informal or formal event. An invitation letter is part of good planning for an event to be successful.

  老师:Now let's read an invitation letter to an art festival on the textbook to know more details about, about the invitation. So here comes your first task. Please read the invitation to an art festival and find out what the topic of each paragraph. Please pay attention. If you want to find out the topic, please pay attention to the keywords of each paragraph. Okay, let's read it.

  老师:The first part on the top of the letter is the opening of the invitation. November the 5th,2019 is a date that the letter has been sent out. And the next part, Mister John Smith is the receiver of the letter. And the next part, 14 New Road, sorry, t W, 14 to E H is a address of the receiver. So it talks about the recipient's address. So the opening part is about the date an


《16 Unit 4 Meeting the muse(4)》.doc
