必修 第二册 ·英语· 外研社版

17 Unit 4 Stage and screen(2)


  老师:Hello everyone, I'm Miss Chen from Liang Xiang High School. Welcome to this class. Today we are learning Unit 4, stage and scream part 2. Using language, we have Learned the reading passage and you were asked to pick out all the ing forms used as adverbial in it. Let's look at some sentences from paragraph 3 on page 38 and see how the writer, a high school student, expressed his feeling through them. When watching the unique Chinese art form picking opera. Starting with an orchestra playing traditional Chinese instrument, the opera brought a completely new sound to my western years. Then seeing the main character come on stage, I was surprised. Using such techniques, the opera had transformed a small state into the whole universe.


  老师:You may have noticed the similarity in these three sentences. They use ing forms as adverbial. Actually ing form as adverbial equals adverbial. Classes in use, they functions the same, but ing as adverbial is more concise and is used more.

  学生:In written. English 大家大概注意到了这三个句子的共同之处,它们都用了 i n g 形式作状语。 n g 形式作状语在实际运用上相当于状语从句。它们的作用是一样的,只是 ing 形式做状语更加简洁,更经常用于书面英语。

  老师:Let's have a further look at the next three groups of sentences. Sentence a, starting with an orchestra playing traditional Chinese instruments. The opera brought a completely new sound to my western ears. Sentence B, the opera started with an orchestra playing traditional Chinese instruments, and it brought a completely new sound to my western years. These two sentences are exactly of the same meaning, but they are of different patterns. The first is shorter than the second. Sentence a, seeing the main character, common state, I was surprised.

  老师:Sentence B, when I saw the main character on the stage, I was surprised. Still, they are of the same meaning, but different sentence patterns. One is shorter, the other is a little longer. Sentence a, using such techniques, the opera had transformed a small stage into the whole universe. Sentence B, the opera used such techniques and it had transformed a small state into the whole universe. Just like the first two groups, they are exactly of the same meaning.

  老师:Through these three groups of sentences, we can see in sentence a, present participle that is Ind farm, serve as adverbial. Well, in sentences b, clauses serve as adverbial or they are compound sentences. The transformation of different sentence patterns doesn't mean this pattern is better or that is worse. It just applies more ways to express ourselves and makes your talking more interesting and writing more readable.

  学生:通过这三组句子,我们可以看到,句组 a 使用了 n g 形式作状语,而句组 b 使用了状语从句、并列句。这种句式之间的转换并不是说某种句子更好或某种句子更糟,它只是提供了更多的表达方式,使你的语言丰富有趣,文章更有可读性。

  老师:Let's look


《17 Unit 4 Stage and screen(2)》.doc
