必修 第二册 ·英语· 外研社版

1 Unit 1 Food for thought(1)


  老师:hello, everyone today im your English teacher my name is Jennifer im from 周口店 high school 房山 district welcome to my class。

  老师:today we will learn unit one food for thought for this class we will learn the part of starting out。 And understanding ideas. The title of the passage today is a child of two cuisines, and we will focus on reading. First of all, let's look at the objectives of today. At the end of the class, you will be able to get the main idea of the passage. and talk about your understanding of the title second, you should be able to find out。 Each family member's opinions on different food and supporting details. Then you should be able to talk about your own favorite food in China are other countries.

  老师:Since the topic of this unit is about food, let's enjoy a video about food first. After the watching, please answer the following question. What different types of food are introduced in the video? Now let's enjoy the video.

  学生:Unit 1, a taste of China.

  学生:While traveling across China, I'm starting to realize that its variety of food is as vast as its land. Different regions in China have different cooking styles and unique dishes. In Beijing, one such dish is the world famous Beijing Duck. Well, now I've heard that a good Beijing duck should be crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Let's try it and see.

  学生:Now, that is delicious. The duck is juicy and it goes really well with the pancakes and sweet sauce. I know I shouldn't, but I would really like to eat at all. Now I'm on my way to try Da Jason, which is strongly recommended by my friends. Now, I've heard that this dish has been on Chinese menus since the Han Dynasty, but its translation, Harry Crab, doesn't make it sound like something delicious. Now, I've been told the best way to cook jajasa is to steam it to keep its original flavor. Here it is.

  学生:I'm not sure how to eat it.

  学生:Whew, that was surprisingly good, I have to say. My friends were right.

  学生:Now it's time for something hot and spicy. What else but Sichuan hot pot? Come on.

  学生:About 200 years ago, people in Sichuan began to cook what they could find with chilies and spices in a pot. And that is believed to be the first Sichuan hot pot. Now I'm about to try it to see why it is popular all over the country.

  学生:Wow, that is hot. It's tasty, but eating it is a challenge. My mouth is on fire, but I just can't stop. Well, that's the end of the tour. As well as a burning mouth, I'm left with the full stomach, some lovely memories and a wider understanding of the tastes of China.

  老师:All the food looks tasty, right? Could you answer the question now? What different types of food are introduced in the video? Great. Beijing duck, Sichuan hotpot are all mentioned in the video. Have you ever tried a


《1 Unit 1 Food for thought(1)》.doc
