必修 第一册 ·英语· 外研社版

27 Unit 6 At one with nature(2)


  老师:Hello everyone, welcome to my class. I'm Wang Yusong from Liang Shang High School affiliated to Beijing Normal University. Today we are going to learn book 1, Unit 6 at one with nature. This is the second lesson of Unit 6. In this lesson we are going to deal with the using language part of Unit 6. We will continue to learn the usage of attributive clauses.

  老师:Learning objectives. I hope at the end of this lesson you will be able to. 1. Summarize the usage of attributive clauses introduced by a preposition plus whom, or which by finding, comparing and analyzing. 2. Use attributive clauses introduced by a preposition platform, or which to complete a passage and talk about a geographical feature in the world. Before we start, please review the read. passage longzi rice races。 And talk about the working principle of the longsy rice terraces. Any volunteers? Good. Let's welcome student A. Well done. Good job. Just as Student a said, the traces are cleverly designed with hundreds of waterways that connect with each other. On rainy days, rainwater runs along these waterways and moves down the mountains and into the terraces. On sunny days, the sun heats the water and turns it into vapor. This forms clouds from which rain falls down onto the mountain terraces once again. The terraces also provide a good environment for birds and fish, some of which feed on insects that can harm the rice crops.

  老师:Next, let's turn to page 65 and look at activity one. Look at the sentences from the reading passage and answer the questions. First you will read sentences a and B. Find them out from the reading passage and underline them. Then you will discuss the 3 questions with your partner. You have two minutes. Okay, let's begin. Okay, time is up. Let's check the answers together.

  老师:Number one, what do which and whom refer to in each sentence? In sentence a, the relative pronoun which refers to the areas. In sentence B, the relative pronoun whom refers to the local people. Number two, why do we use prepositions before which and whom? We use prepositions before which and whom? Because which and whom serves as the object of the action. Phrases that end with a preposition.


  学生:关系代词 which 或 whom 之前加介词,是因为关系代词 which 或 whom 充当从句中以介词结尾的动词、短语的宾语。

  老师:Number three, in sentence a, can we replace in which with where without changing the meaning? The answer is yes because in which and where both mean in the areas. Next, compare sentences a and B with the following sentences and answer the questions. You have two minutes. Okay, let's begin. Okay, time is up. Let's check the answers together. Number four, what is the difference between the two groups of sentences? sentence a and b both contain。 In a clause defining a noun in the sentence. Sentences C and d are con


《27 Unit 6 At one with nature(2)》.doc
