必修 第一册 ·英语· 外研社版

24 Unit 5 Into the wild(4)


  老师:hello, everyone nice to meet you in online class im li 辉 from 陀里 middle school 房山district。

  老师:Today we are going to deal with the developing IDS. Part in Unit 5 will read a passage named An Encounter with nature. Before we start, I'd like to share the objectives with you. At the end of the class, you will be able to.

  老师:1. Get the main information of the passage and number the events. 2. Identify the genre of the passage and guess the meaning of a word according to the context. 3. Talk about how human beings should get along with animals. Let's begin reading now. Open your books, turn to page 56. 1 look at the word cloud and the pictures classify the word cloud. From the word cloud, we can see that these words can be divided into several groups. Group 1, photographer buyer. 1 is the name of a person's occupation. The other is the name of an animal. Group 2, nature, Yellowstone National Park, forest. All four of these are locations. Group 3, show respect, observe animals, press the button. They are all phrases about actions. Group 4, frightening. Recovered from the shock. These two expressions contain the words of emotion. Let's look at the two pictures. One is a bear. The other is a photographer.

  老师:2. Look at the background picture of the passage and the title. We can see that this picture shows a forest. Look at the title. What's the keyword of the title? Yes, it's encounter. Encounter means a casual or unexpected meeting with a person, a thing. So the title can be translated into Chinese.

  老师:Now let's predict what the passage is about according to the word cloud, pictures and title. Yes, the passage may be about an encounter between the photographer and the bear in the forest.

  老师:Now let's read the passage and check our prediction. Task one, read the passage and find the main idea of each paragraph. Please pay attention to the first sentence of each paragraph. It can help you. Okay, time is up. Let's check your answers. Paragraph one, enjoyment of being a nature photographer. Paragraph two, reasons for loving Yellowstone National Park. Paragraph three, an experience in Yellowstone last spring. Paragraph four, showing respect to all animals. Task two, read the passage again, find out some key information, and clarify the structure of the passage. Let's read it together. As a nature photographer, I have to brave the elements, but despite the wind and rain, I still enjoy walking outside in the wild. One of the best things about this job is that you can observe animals in their natural environment.

  老师:In this paragraph, as a nature photographer, this phrase shows the author's job. Brave the elements here means to go out in bad weather, still enjoy working outside in the wild. It shows the author's love for his job, observe animals in


《24 Unit 5 Into the wild(4)》.doc
