七年级 · 英语 · 外研社版 · 上册

39 M4 Unit 1 We've got lots of apples.


  老师:大家好,欢迎来到北京市中小学空中课堂。我是来自北京市陈经纶中学本部初中的赵之英老师。今天我和大家一起学习外研版七年级上册 MODULE four unit one weve got lots of apples。请大家准备好课本和学习任务单。

  老师:lets begin look this is my fridge what is in my fridge? can you guess?yes, there is lots of food and drink lots of 表示许多大量的意思。

  老师:then what food and drink is in my fridge i have got some vegetables meat fruit and Candy。

  老师:我们小学都学过 vegetables 表示蔬菜, meat 肉类 fruit 水果,而 Candy 在这里是糖果类的意思。大家还学到了哪些表示实物的词?都属于哪一类?对,还有 pears and apples,它们属于水果类,还有 juice 果汁属于饮品类。今天就让我们来复习和学习更多的词汇。 let me tell you what i have got in my fridge look its an apple 是元音发音开头的单词,所以它前面使用了 an 表示一个或一类。如果是辅音发音开头的单词,要用 a 来表示一类。

  老师:read after me please an apple i have got some apples。

  老师:那你是不是很奇怪 apple 后面为什么加s?对?因为它前面出现了some, some 表示的是复数的概念一些的意思,那么 apple 也要加上 s 表示复数,读作滋 read on me please some apples, look its an orange and i have got some oranges。注意发音, read after me please an orange some oranges。

  老师:yes, thats a carrot read after me please a carrot i have got some carrots。

  老师:t 和 s 组合在一起。发音, read on me please some carrots。

  老师:look whats that its a potato read out of me, please a potato i have got some potatoes。

  老师:potato 的复数形式并不是直接加s,而是加 e s,读作 read on me please some potatoes。

  老师:yes thats a tomato read after me, please a tomato i have got some tomatoes。tomato。的复数形式和 potato 是一样的,在后面直接加 e s,读作滋 read out in please some tomatoes yes i have also got some beans read after me, please some beans, have i got any chocolate。猜一猜,我会不会有一些巧克力?

  老师:yes, i have got some chocolate。

  老师:那大家可能会奇怪,为什么提问的时候用any,而回答的时候却使用了some。这里萨姆和艾尼都表示一些的意思,但是萨姆用于肯定句,而艾尼要用于否定和疑问句。如果我们想表达我没有巧克力,可以直接说, i havent got any chocolate chocolate。它是一个巧克力的通程,是一种集合概念,因此它是不可数名词。 have i got any chicken yes, i have, but i havent got any beef beef 指的是牛肉 read otter and please some chicken any beef, have i got an。

  老师:Any tea? No, I haven't, but I have got some juice. My favorite drink is orange juice. What about you? Let's read them. Any tea, some juice. Have I got any milk? Yes. Yes, I have got some milk and some water. Milk is my son's favorite drink. What about you? Have I got any coffee or Cola? I have got some coffee, but I haven't got any Cola, because Cola is bad for me. Let's read them. Some coffee, Annicola. Now let's check what you remember. Open your books and turn to page twenty. Let's do activity three. Label the food and drink in the picture with the words from the box.

  老师:Labelle 在这里是标记标签的意思。我们需要把方框中从 apple 到 water 的词填写在下图从 a 到 o 的方框中。 1234 图暂时不填。 lets read the words first apple beans beef carrot chicken chocolate coffee, Cola juice milk orange potato tea tomato water now lets look at picture a its an apple, so we put apple in box a now its your turn to finish the rest, now lets check your answers bee orange, g chocolate h beef eye chicken lets go on c carrot d potato e beans f t


《39 M4 Unit 1 We've got lots of apples.》.doc
