九年级 · 英语 · 外研社版 · 上册

11 M4 Unit 3 Language in use


  老师:同学们大家好,欢迎来到北京市中小学空中课堂。我是北京市陈经纶中学的回扬老师。今天我们要学习的内容是外研版初三上册第四模块第三单元 language in use。下面开始我们今天的学习。

  学生:if you have。 Have to stay at home alone. Will your parents worry about you? I think most of you will say yes. Do you remember what topic it is in this module? Right? Home alone. Let's look at some pictures.

  老师:In Unit.

  学生:1. But his parents leave home for a meeting, so Betty has to stay at home alone. You need to. The passage is about a boy, Zheng Chen Yi's experience of living alone. When they talk about their experiences of living alone, they use some sentences to express their opinions. Now let's review them. Betty says, I can look after myself, although it won't be easy for me. Zheng Chen Yi says, although they loved me, I felt a bit unhappy with them. What can you find from 2 sentences? You are so smart. There is an adverbial plus of concession provided by. Although in each sentence what does other? mean the Chinese meaning is。


  老师:但是怎样来理解这两句话?在第一句话中, it 指代 Betty 独自在家的这件事情。 Betty 有他自己的想法,他认为尽管独自在家对我来说不容易,但我能照顾自己。在第二句中,郑晨宇的父母为他安排很多事情。郑晨宇有自己的想法,他说,尽管他们很爱我,但我还是有些不开心。从这两句话中,我们可以体会由 although 引导的让步状语,从句和主句之间形成了让步或转折的关系。

  学生:what else can you find。 Mind, right. We can put adverbial class in front of the main class or behind it. Although can be put in front or in the middle. Are you clear about it? Right. Let's look at the second sentence. Can you use another conjunction?

  学生:We have Learned before to connect two parts in a sentence. You are so clever. We can put back to connect the two parts. They loved me but I felt a bit unhappy with them. But is only used between two sentences.

  学生:Pay attention. We can use although and but at the same time in a sentence. It is quite different from Chinese. Let's move to the other sentences. Betty says my clock rains so loudly that it will certainly wake me up. Zhang Chen Yi says, I like the games so much that I played until midnight. What can you find from the 2 sentences? You are so smart. There is an adverbial class of result provided by so that in each sentence. what does so that mean the Chinese meaning is?

  老师:太以至于它是怎样使用的?在 so 大的引导的结果,状语从句中, so 后接形容词或副词表程度, that 后接从句表示这一程度造成的影响或结果。在第一句中, so 修饰 loudly 强调我的闹钟声音很大,以至于造成的结果是他一定会把我叫醒。在例句 2 中, so 修饰 much 强调郑晨宇玩游戏喜爱的程度,以至于造成的结果是他一直玩到半夜。

  学生:are you clear about them try to use the adverbal classes to express your opinions, now lets conclude the adverview classes in this module, what are the features of the adverview classes。

  老师:right although 表示尽管,但是他引导让步状语从句可放主句前,也可放主句后。主从句之间是让步或转折的关系。 so that 表示太,以至于在so, that 这类句子中, that 引导的是结果状语从句。 so 后接形容词或副词表程度。 that 后接从句表示这一程度造成的影响或结果。

  学生:lets practice now。 Open your book, it's activity 1 on page thirty. Try to complete the sentences with the words in the box. Read the sentences by yourself, and then fi


《11 M4 Unit 3 Language in use》.doc
