八年级 · 英语 · 外研社版 · 下册

19 M6 Unit 3 Language in use_第1课时


  老师:同学们大家好,我是来自北京市第十四中学的妙艳梅老师,很高兴与大家见面。今天我们要一起学习的是外研版英语初二年级下册第六模块第三单元的内容。第六模块的话题是 hobbies 爱好。我们今天要学习的是 unit three language in use 中第一讲语法知识部分。下面我们开始今天的学习。

  学生:at the beginning of the lesson lets review what we have learned in unit one, do you still remember the dialogue among Lin Betty and Tony they talked about a kind of hobby collecting things linling likes fans, and people often give her fans as presents Betty collects cons and notes she will show her friends her stamps too Tony collects all the tickets such as bus tickets and train tickets he can remember some wonderful places when he looks at his old tickets, do you collect anything maybe some of you will answer yes in unit two, we discussed more about hobbies and learned how David Smith developed his hobbies lets look back on it quickly, he is a model school student one of his hobbies is writing there was a writing class the teacher, there encouraged him to write about his experiences he wrote a story about his life the story came out as a book in two thousand, and twelve as a result David has become a successful writer he says hobbies can make people grow as a person lets look at the sentences on the screen together have you noticed they have something in common what is it yes, all of them are simple sentences。


  学生:David smith is a student。


  学生:David Smith。

  老师:是主语, is 是系动词, a student 是表语,构成了这个句子的基本结构,即主语加系动词加表语。大家还能举出一些主系表句型的例子吗?比如我们课文中出现的句子。

  学生:some hobbies are relaxing, he has become a successful young writer, i feel happy when i read books。

  老师:这三个句子都是主系表的句型,因为它们的谓语动词都是系动词,那常见的系动词又有哪些?让我们一起来看看黄色字体的词 has become feel,分析一下它们都属于哪类动词。

  学生:usually, we classify the link verbs into three different kinds, b verb,sense, verb and the verb to show changes。

  老师:通常我们把系动词分为三类,首先, be 动词肯定是系动词,比如 am is are was war。其次,我们这学期新学的感官动词,比如感觉摸起来feel,闻起来smile,听起来sound,尝起来taste,看起来 look 或 seem 等也是系动词。还有一些表示变化的动词,比如become,get,turn, grow 等等。这些表示变化的动词也是有细微区别的,比如 be come 比较正式,通常表示变化的动作已经完成。

  学生:he became tired after a long。

  老师:walk get 表示温度,时间等变化。和 become 相比更加口语化。

  学生:it gets hotter these days。

  老师:Bro 表示逐渐变得,常用来表示身高,经验等改变。

  学生:she has grown much taller。

  老师:turn 常常表示颜色,性状等发生显而易见的变化。

  学生:leaves turn yellow in autumn。 Have you got them? Okay. Now let's practice by ourselves. Could you find the link verbs in the 3 sentences on the screen? Sentence one. It is a bit of a mess. Sentence 2. They must be valuable. Sentence 3, one of. his hobbies is writing。

  老师:大家已经发现了辨别主系表句型的关键就是找到句子中的系动词。而这三句话中的系动词分别是,我们用黄色标出的词,意思 must be is。随后我们可以发现橙色字体的词。

  学生:a mess valuable。

  老师:writing 在句子中做表语。通常英语中用名词或形容词作表语的情况比较多。

  学生:okay from the formal learning we have got the first sentence pattern of simple sentences in English, lets go over together。


  学生:David Sm


《19 M6 Unit 3 Language in use_第1课时》.doc
