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3 M1 Unit 3 Language in use_第2课时



  学生:now lets get started first, lets review the key sentences in this module lets read them together it tastes good。


  学生:it doesnt smell fresh。


  学生:you look very pretty。

  老师:你看上去很漂亮。 I feel.

  学生:Nervous when i speak Chinese.

  老师:我说中文的时候感觉很紧张。 Please pay attention.

  学生:To the words in yellow what kind of describing words come after the verbs are they adjectives or adverbs, they are adjectives, so the verbs in the sentences are followed by adjectives and these verbs are sense verbs.

  老师:这些句子中的动词 taste smell, look few 为感官动词,后接形容词。在英语当中,还有一些动词和感官动词的用法类似,后面也接形容词。这些动词和感官动词都属于系动词。那么还有哪些动词在一定语境中也和感官动词一样,后面接形容词?大家看一下以下动词。

  学生:these verbs, include seem, get become grow,stay, keep turn and so on。


  学生:do you know their meaning? Now, let's take a look at some sentences to help you understand them. You can read out the sentences with me and think about what the sentences mean. The first sentence. Tony seems very nervous。

  老师:Tony 看上去很紧张。 sing 在这里是一个系动词,意思是看上去。

  学生:eat your dinner before it gets cold。

  老师:晚饭变凉前赶紧吃饭。 get 在这儿的意思是变的,变成。

  学生:The weather becomes warm in spring.

  老师:Becomes a judge. And.

  学生:It is sad to watch my parents grow old.


  学生:Stay calm when an accident happens.

  老师:发生事故时保持冷静。 stay 在这里指保持维持。

  学生:keep quiet in the library。

  老师:在图书馆保持安静。 keep 在句中指保持处于。

  学生:the leaves turn yellow in autumn。

  老师:树叶在秋天的时候变黄, turn 只变成变为。同学们注意,在使用这些动词时一定要关注语境,清楚句子和词的意思。

  学生:now。 Let's do some practice. Please choose words from the box to fill in the blanks. There may be more than one choice, so you can choose based on the meanings of the words and sentences. Look at the first sentence. What can we feel in this blank? We can choose tastes or smells.


  学生:Number two which words can we choose we can use same.

  老师:Or look.意思是你今天看上去很不开心,发生了什么?

  学生:number three which words can we choose for this blank, we can use becomes gets or turns。

  老师:这句话的意思是,当冬天来了,天气会变冷。 The last one.

  学生:Which words do you choose we can choose stay.

  老师:Or keep.句子的意思是,锻炼身体是保持健康的很好的方式。

  学生:okay now lets do more practice you can turn to page six in your textbook。


  学生:lets look at exercise one first。


  学生:look at the picture。 What can you see in this picture? You can see that there are people dancing to the music. There is food and drink on the table, such as bananas and cakes. And there are also some flowers, chairs, balloons and other things.

  学生:Now, can you come up with any adjectives for what you see in a picture? You can use your imagination and consider the look, smell,


《3 M1 Unit 3 Language in use_第2课时》.doc
