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34 M11 Unit 1 In China,we open a gift later.


  老师:同学们大家好,欢迎来到北京市中小学空中课堂。我是来自北京市第十期中学的张锦老师。今天很高兴和大家一起学习外研版八年级。上 module Eleven unit one in China we open a gift later。下面就开启我们的学习之旅。

  老师:do you like a gift, i think everyone。 Like skipped. Then what gifts do you want on your birthday? Maybe a baseball, some chocolate, a novel, a notebook, a rabbit, a dictionary, a journey or something else.

  老师:Here, I've got some gifts. Can you guess what they are? Let's look at the first one. What gift is it? This is a Char said. That's right. We can play chess with friends. Please read after me. Chat, set, chase that. How about number two? This is a bar of chocolate. Excellent. It tastes sweet and it can make people feel happy. Please read after me. A bar of chocolate. A bar of chocolate. How about this one? This is a dictionary. Good job. We can look at new words in it. Please read after me. Dictionary. Dictionary. How about this one? This is a pair of chopsticks. Wonderful. We Chinese eat with them. Please read after me a pair of chopsticks. A pair of chopsticks. Look at this picture. This is a baseball cap. Great. It is a fashion to wear it. Please read after me. Baseball cap. Baseball cap. How about this one? This is a toy. That's right. Young children like to play with it. Please read after me. Toy. Toy. How about this one? This is a video game. Yes, we can watch and play games. Please read after me. Video game. Video game. Do you know how to read these words and expressions? Please open your book. Look at activity 1 on page 88. Listen and number the words and expressions as you hear them. First, let's read the words and expressions aloud. Baseball cap. Baseball cap. Chat set. Chess. Said chocolate. Chocolate. Chopsticks. Chopsticks. Dictionary. Dictionary. Toy. Toy. Video game. Video game. Now let's begin.

  学生:It's Lingling's birthday tomorrow.

  学生:We must get her a present.

  学生:She's too old for a toy.

  学生:She likes playing chess. How about a chest set?

  学生:Yes. Or we could buy her things to eat or drink.

  学生:She likes chocolate.

  学生:How about some nice chopsticks.

  学生:Or a video game.

  学生:Or how about a baseball camp?

  学生:I've got it. A dictionary.

  学生:Yes, an English dictionary. She can look up new words in it.

  老师:Have you finished? Let's check the answers. Number one, toy. Number two, chat set. Number three, chocolate. Number four, chopsticks. Number five, video game. Number six, baseball cap. Number seven, dictionary. Do you remember the meaning of these words and expressions?

  老师:Let's look at Activity 2 on page 88. Match the words and expressions in Activity 1 with the pictures. First, let's read the words and expressions in Activity 1 again. Baseball cap. Try that. Chocolate, chopsticks. Dictionary, toy, video game.

  老师:Now let's begin. Let's check the answers. Picture a is Chi set.


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