选择性必修第二册 ·英语· 北师大版

17 Unit 6 The Media_第8课时


  老师:Hello, everyone. Welcome to the English class on the air. I'm so glad to meet you here. I'm Wu Yue from Beijing Chaoyang Foreign Language School. We are going to study the grammar of Unit 6. I hope you will have a good time here.

  老师:Now let's get started. In this lesson, we will review how to use the personal pronoun 8. 8 is a small word, but it can make a big difference. We find it everywhere in the book. Sometimes we even ignore it, but it indeed plays an important role in our language. I hope after the class you will have a very clear view of the small but big work.

  老师:Before we start our new lesson, let's review what we have Learned in the last class. We have Learned the article named from page to screen. Let's review the basic information of the article. Guys, try to answer the following questions.

  老师:Number one. what does the title from page to screen in。 It means adapting books to make films or TV series. No. 2, what is the writer's attitude towards it? He has been disappointed many times by a film of the book. Number three, what are the source materials in the article? They are classic novels, short stories, comic books, stage place, biographies and non fiction. No. 4, the writer emphasized what are faced by filmmakers. The answer is many challenges. You are so great that you have remembered all of the information. Since we have reviewed the contents. Let's focus on the grammar 8 in the article. Task one, read the arso again. Find the following sentences in the article and tell me what does it refer to in the situation. Three minutes for you to finish it. Here we go. Time's up. I hope you can find all of them. Let's check the answers together. Look at the first one. It is safe to say that great films may be made from not particularly good books. What is your answer? It means great films may be made from not particularly good books.

  老师:Now let's see the second one. It a lot the previously unfilmable to become a reality. What does it mean here? It means CGI technology, the computer generated image technology. That is to say the computer generated image technology. A lot the previously unfilmable to become a reality.

  老师:Next one, please look at the sentence here. It is the book writer who is in the best position to do film adaptions? In a sentence, the writer wants to emphasize the phrase the book writer. So use the structure to draw the reader's attention and show the thing that is important. Here it represents the book writer. See? Have you found it correctly?

  老师:No. 4, find it difficult to adapt to a new form. Here it represents two adaptive books to a new four. That means find adapting to a new form difficult.

  老师:Let's move to the last sentence. It's clear that viewers will not be disappointed. What's your answer? It mean


《17 Unit 6 The Media_第8课时》.doc
