选择性必修第二册 ·英语· 北师大版

9 Unit 5 Education (1)


  老师:Hello everyone, I'm Liu Bulan from Beijing No. 80 High School. Welcome to today's lesson. We're going to learn Unit 5, education, reading Lesson, Period 1. Enlightening a mind, 1st. Let's think about this question together. How can we teach someone who is blind to read and write? Can you think of some possible ways?

  老师:Now you will have one minute to talk with your partners. Go. Okay, someone said we can let the blind hear the sound and then learn to read and write. Yes, you're right. This is a very efficient way, and we've been using this way to teach the blind in some special schools.

  老师:Now, then what about teaching someone who is both blind and dies? It is a quite challenging job, isn't it? And today we'll come close to these two people in the picture and see what happened between them. Do you know who they are? They are the famous American writer Helen Keller and her teacher Annie Sullivan.

  老师:Now please read the whole story quickly and try to figure out what the story is mainly about. You will have 3 minutes and then you can also share with your partners. Go. Okay, now we know the story mainly talks about the learning and teaching processes between Helen Keller and her teacher, Annie Sullivan.

  老师:Now we have already finished our general reading. Let's come to the careful reading. You will read paragraph 1 and 2 carefully and then answer the following two questions. 1St, what is Helen Keller like? Second, what is Annie like? You will have 3 minutes to finish this task. Go. Okay, time is up. Now can you tell me what Helen is like? Helen was frustrated, stubborn and troublesome. She got angry easily when she was not understood. Yes, you're right. Then what about Annie? What is she like? Annie was a superb teacher who could understand Helen's difficulties. She was sympathetic.

  老师:Now let's move to the rest part of the story. You are going to read carefully and try to answer the following questions. How many words were taught to Helen? What were they? Which words were easier to learn? Which were more difficult and explain why. You may also find the evidence in the textbook and talk about your answers with your partners.

  老师:Okay, time is up. So how many words were taught to heaven? What were they? From the story we know, forwards were taught to Helen. They were doll, water, love and think. Let's move on and answer this question together. Which words were easier to learn? Which were more difficult? Why? From the story we know the worst, doll and mortar were easier to learn because Helen could touch them. The words love and think were more difficult because they were complex and abstract concept and couldn't be touched. Okay, that's very good of you.

  老师:Now let's move on. Now you are going to read this part of the story again and tr


《9 Unit 5 Education (1)》.doc
