选择性必修第一册 ·英语· 北师大版

11 Unit 2 Success (3)


  老师:Hello everyone, I'm Wu from Beijing Academy, Chaoyang Districts. Nice to see you today. We are going to continue with Unit 2 success listening, top 5 secrets of success. Let's have a discussion first. Who do you think are successful people? What do you think are the top secrets of success? You can use the words in the box to help. For example, you can say, I think being ambitious in what you do is the top secret of success, because once you set your goal, you will just go all out.

  老师:Today we are going to listen to a talk called Top 5 Secrets of success, which is about five very successful people and their secrets of success. Before listening, can you guess what their secrets are? For example, about Yuan Longping, who is the father of hybrid rice, you may say that his persistence in scientific studies might be his secret. And for Ma Yun, who is the founder of.

  老师:阿里巴巴, his vision for business, might be his。 Great. Out of all the figures you must know Bill Gates, one of the founders of Microsoft, and Jake Rowling, author of Harry Potter pretty well. Yet you may find the person, Novak Djokovic, not so familiar. If you're not a tennis fan, Novak Djokovich is one of the best tennis players in the world. He has won five of the last seven Grand Slam titles and 17 overall, which is the highest level of tennis awards. What do you think is secrets for successes? Maybe his love and passion for the sport. Now let's give it a listen and check your predictions and also write down the 5 secrets you hear in the table.

  学生:Lesson 2.3.

  学生:Are you ambitious? Do you want to be successful? I believe most young people have a dream. Follow our 5 secrets and you can do it. First, be passionate about what you do. If you do something primarily for love and not for other reasons, probably it will lead you to success. Take Yuan Long Ping, the father of hybrid rice, one of the most influential scientists in agriculture. For example, for more than 50 years, he has devoted his life to rice production. And his research has not only helped China find a way to remove hunger, but also contributed to world peace and social progress.

  学生:Second, be confident. When Ma Yun first had the idea of quitting his job as a college teacher and starting up an online shopping company. Everybody thought he was crazy, but he was confident that this company would be successful. Now Alibaba has not only become the biggest online sales company in the world, but also changes people's shopping habits as well. It isn't just confidence.

  学生:My third tip is work hard. The 10000 hour rule for success states that you need to practice for a minimum of 10000 hours. That's about six hours a day for five years. Bill Gates is a good example. For about five years when he was a teenager, he spent 1000


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