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13 Weather in Beijing_第1课时


  老师:同学们好,我是顺义区仁和中学的汤文国老师。本节课我们学习的内容是初一英语下册 Uni four lesson ten whether in Beijing 第一课时的内容。下面我们就开始今天的学习, first of all look at the picture。

  老师:What are they doing? Excellent. They are going out and having fun. And what's the weather like? It's a fan day. So what's the meaning of the word weather? You are right. It means. Tianxi, read after me, please. Whether weather and the weather is different in different seasons. And how many students are there in a year? Excellent. There are four seasons. So what does. seasons mean visit season means 季节 read after me please season c s e a 镇 s o n season。

  老师:So in your opinion, what season is it in this picture? Right? I agree with you. Is spring. Read after me, please. Spring. Spring. And what's the weather like? Is warm and windy. So what do warm?

  老师:and the windy mean warm 是温暖的, windy 是有风的。 read after me, please warm warm windy okay so how about this picture wow season is it terrific its summer read after me, please summer summer whats the weather like in summer wonderful its hot and sunny sometimes its rainy hot means 热的, sunny means 晴朗的 rainy means 多雨的 please raise up me again hot hot sunny rainy and what season is it in this picture? bingo is autumn 秋天 read after me autumn whats the weather like in autumn youre right its cool and dry follow me, please cool dry its cool and dry and what season is it in this picture excellent is winter read after me, please winter whats the weather like in winter youre right its cold and snowy follow me please coat cold snowy what do cold and snowy? mean wonderful cold means 寒冷的 snowy means 下雪的。

  老师:Now we know which four season in a year. And do you know how many months are there in a year? 12. Great. Here are the 12 months all year. Among them, which is the first month of the year? Do you know? Excellent. January. You are right. January is the first month of the year. Please read after me. January. January. Now let's learn the other words. Please open your textbook 10 to page 42, part 1 or prepare. are your worksheets, please no down the Chinese。

  老师:请同学们打开教材 42 页第一部分,或请大家准备好悬案。请同学们把相应的月份的中文写在单词旁边。 now lets begin April 4月, August 八月, December 十二月 February February 二月 January 一月 July 七月, June 六月 March 三月may,五月, November 十一月 October October 十月 September 九月 as we can see these mans are now in order, can you put the mans in order, please write the mans in order you have two minutes now begin have you finished yet so the right order of the mans is, January February March April may June July August September October November December yes these are the twelve months of the year you can read the mens like this January February March April may June July August September October November December so what do you like about the weather in your town?

  老师:Do you know okay Susan


《13 Weather in Beijing_第1课时》.doc
