七年级 · 英语 · 北师大版 · 下册

3 Lesson 3 Safety First_第1课时


  老师:同学们好,我是顺义区仁和中学的吴丽娟老师。本节课我们学习的内容是初一英语下册 unit one lesson three safety first 第一课时的内容。下面我们开始今天的学习。

  老师:look at the title can you read it please read after me safety first safety first whats a meaning?yes。安全第一 but in our daily life some people do dangerous things lets look at this picture together whats the boy doing?

  老师:what is the boy doing? yes he is playing with fire read after me playing with fire fire playing with fire i think playing with fire is very dangerous, do you think so next one can you see the lightning in the picture? okay read after me lightning Lightning whats the meaning of the Lightning?

  老师:闪电 is a Lightning storm dangerous?

  老师:yes, it is please be careful walking in a lightning storm is very dangerous read after me walking in a lightning storm how about going online? read after me going online is going online very dangerous or not dangerous someone think it is very dangerous, but others think going online is not dangerous later you can find the answer in our book okay, and there are more peoples activities in our daily life riding a bicycle do you know the meaning of a bicycle? it means a bike read after me riding a bicycle riding a bicycle okay playing basketball read after me, playing basketball and next one traveling in a car read after me traveling in a car whats the meaning of traveling in a car?


  老师:what do you think of these activities riding a bicycle playing basketball traveling in a car playing with fair walking in a lightning storm, and going online now please read。

  老师:评估评价 the following activities from very dangerous to not dangerous which activities are very dangerous and which activities are not dangerous?

  老师:you can talk about it for me i think walking in a lightning storm is dangerous and going online is not what about you? wow someone thinks that playing basketball is a little dangerous and walking in a storm is very dangerous, i agree with you sometimes playing basketball is dangerous because you may hurt your legs what about others opinion, oh someone thinks playing with fair is very dangerous and traveling in a car is not dangerous, do you agree someone says yes will others say no you have different opinions, but for some activities for example working in a lightning song most of you think it is dangerous right, then what can we do to keep safe in daily life lets read the test on page ten in the book, and find out the answers。 on page ten there are three letters they are from a magazine。

  老师:一本杂志上的三封读者来信 what is the topic of each letter please find out do you find out?

  老师:them okay you did it so quickly lets check together letter a what is the topic someone thinks the topic is cd during that lightning storms how do you know that OK from the keywords during bad Lightning storms。



《3 Lesson 3 Safety First_第1课时》.doc
