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15 Lesson 8 Whose Ball is This_第2课时


  老师:同学们好,我是来自首都师范大学附属苹果园中学分校的刘莹老师。很高兴今天可以和大家一起学习北师大版七年级上第三单元的第八课, lesson eight whose ball is。 This Period 2. Now let's start our lesson. First, let's review the new words of this lesson together. Please read after me. Move. Move. Crayon. Crayon. Diary. Diary. Glass. Glass. Towel. Towel. Mine. Mine. Hers. Hers. Yours. Yours. Key. Key. Scissors. Scissors. Toothbrush. Toothbrush. Maybe. Maybe. Wrong. Wrong. Pair. Pair. A pair of a pair of hours. Hours. Theirs. Bears. Put. Put. Bring. Bring. After reviewing the new words, can you match the pictures with the correct words? Let's do it together. The first picture is trousers. Crayons. Diary. Or glasses? Yes, you're right, glasses. And the second picture is trousers. Good. Next one is crayon. No problem. How about the last one? Yes, this is a diary. Here are 4 more pictures. The first one is Scissors. Yes. And the second picture is key. Good. How about the next one? This is a towel. No problem. And the last picture matches. Yes. Toothbrush. Now, can you match the words with the correct meanings? We have five words here. They are hours, theirs, mine, hers, yours. And there are five meanings on the right. Let's do it together. The first one, hours, matches. Yes. Woman. The the second one, theirs, means PA, PA, PA. Manda. Good. How about mine? This word means no problem. The next one is hers. Hers matches. Father. Let's move to the last word. Yours. The correct meaning should be.

  老师:你的,您的,你们的 good job。

  老师:Now let's review the dialogue of Lesson 8. Please read after me. Then. Whose things are these? This ball is mine. And those shoes are mine too. What about that diary? Is it yours? No, mom, that's Linda's. I haven't got a diary. And those are Linda's crayons. All the Scissors, Hearst too. No, they are dads. Well, I think they are his. Maybe I'm wrong. Yes, they are. And the keys are his too. But what about these glasses? They aren't mine. These are girls glasses. Oh, sorry. They are mine.

  老师:In this conversation, Ben and his mom were talking about who the items belong to. So we can easily find some words like this. Mine? Hers? Yours? His? They are pronouns. What kind of pronouns are they? Yes. In Chinese we call them.


  老师:Do you want to learn more about it? Let's learn together. 物主代词可以分为形容词性物主代词 possessive adjectives 和名词性物主代词 possessive pronoun。

  老师:We've Learned possessive adjectives in get ready, be.


  老师:I love my work in the hospital.

  老师:我热爱我的医院里的工作。 in this。 Sentence my is a possessive adjective means what the you'll be rule? How many students are there in her class? In this sentence her is a possessive adjective means paddle.


  老师:our room is on the first floor and theirs is


《15 Lesson 8 Whose Ball is This_第2课时》.doc
