七年级 · 英语 · 北师大版 · 上册

12 Lesson 6 A School Day_第1课时


  老师:同学们大家好,我是来自北京市晶圆学校的杨敏琪老师。今天我们一起学习师大版初一上册第二单元第六课 a school day 的第一课时。 at first, we will review how to express time please look at the clocks and tell me their times look at the first one, what time is it yes its one oclock 是一个名词,表示几点钟 read after me oclock what about the second one right its three oclock look at the third what time is it?

  老师:yes its ten oclock good job look at this group the first one what time is it yes, its ten past five past means。

  老师:在什么什么之后 read after me past what about the second clock right its half past three look at the last one, what time is it yes its a quarter past one quarter means。一刻钟 1/ 4 please read after me quarter, now lets move on to this group the first one what time is it yes, its a quarter to seven two means。差多少时间 read after me two。 2. What about the second clock? Right? It's 2:50. Look at the last one. What time is it? It's 5:40. Here is an exercise for you. Look at the clocks and match them with the correct time. Before matching, let's read the English expressions one by one twice.

  老师:9:30,9:30,,,7:00,7:00, a 8:15, a 8:15,6:55,6:55, a , a .

  老师:Now, please match the clocks with the correct time. Look at the first clock. It's 6:55. Next one, it's 7:00. What about the third one? Yes, it's a 8:15. Look at the fourth clock. What time is it? Yes, 9:30. How about the last two? Yes, they are a and . Excellent. Next, let's review 7 days of the week in America. Sunday is the first day of the week.


  老师:read after me Sunday what about the next day? write Monday read after me Monday next one is Tuesday read after me Tuesday then we have Wednesday read of me Wednesday, Thursday Friday。 Friday, Saturday. Saturday. On what days do we usually go to school? Yes, we usually go to school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. They are our school days.

  老师:What do we usually do at school? Yes, we usually have different classes. Look at this picture. What's this? Yes, it's a timetable for Monday. Look at the timetable and answer my questions. 1. What is the first lesson in the morning?

  老师:first means 第一起初 lesson means 课一节课 to what is the next lesson next means 接下来的下一个的,yes。

  老师:Chinese is the first lesson in the morning, right? The next. the lesson is maths then lets talk about the time of the lesson。 Take Chinese as an example, Student asks. when do you have Chinese one means?

  老师:什么时候?何时 students be。

  老师:Answers, we have Chinese at a quarter past eight. Now please work in pairs and talk about other lessons. For example, when do you have math? We have maths at 9:00. When do you have English? We have English at 9:50. When do you have history? We have history at . When do you have science? We have science at 1:30. When do you have PE? We have PE at 2:20.

  老师:good job now lets read


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