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11 Lesson 5 Before Class_第2课时



  老师:unit two lesson five before class part two。


  老师:first of all lets review the words please read after me, find ask help carry borrow land classmate check homework, direction very good now lets play a matching game can you remember the Chinese meanings of the words, please try to match the meanings with the correct words lets check one by one whats the meaning of direction?

  老师:yes 方向 and carry means。拿搬带你报 check means 检查,核查 and find should go to。找到,发现,赶到。

  老师:What about the word borrow? Yes, it means and land should go to Xiaochu. Okay, these are the new words from our last class. Now let's review the dialogues 1st. Let's listen to the recording and then read the dialogues.

  学生:Dialogue one. Can I ask you a question about our maths homework? What's the answer for number four? I'm not sure. Let me check my notebook, then I can answer your question.

  学生:Dialogue 2. Excuse me, I'm new here. Can you help me? I can't find the art room. Where is it? Go upstairs. It's next to the computer room. Dialogue 3. I don't know this word. Can I borrow your dictionary? Sure, I can lend it to you. Dialogue for, can I help you let me carry those books for you? Just give them to me. Thanks a lot, Ben. You're welcome.

  老师:Now let's read aloud. Can I ask you a question about our math homework? What's the answer for number four? I'm not sure. Let me check my notebook, then I can answer your question. Excuse me, I'm new here. Can you help me? I can't find the art room. Where is it? Go upstairs. It's next to the computer room. I don't know this word. Can I borrow your dictionary? Sure, I can lend it to you. Can I help you? Let me carry those books for you. Just give them to me. Thanks a lot, Ben. You're welcome.


  老师:lets read this part together can i borrow your dictionary sure i can lend it to you。


  老师:yes, they are borrow and land。

  老师:下面我们一起看一看 borrow 和 lend 的用法。 borrow 译为介入介用,长于介词。 from 连用。 land 意为借给,借出,常于借此兔连用。

  老师:And here are some examples. I can land the bicycle to him.

  老师:也可以说 i can lend him my bicycle,而它可以借用我的自行车。这句话也有两种表达方式,第一种。

  老师:He can borrow the bicycle from me. They are wrong. He can borrow my bicycle. Now, let's read the sentences together. Can I borrow your dictionary? Sure. I can lend it to you. I can lend the bicycle to him. I can lend him my bicycle. He can borrow the bicycle from me. He can borrow my by.

  老师:bicycle 现在你学会 borrow 和 lend 这两个词的用法了吗?

  老师:now lets move on to another two sentences lets read them together can i help you let me carry those books for you。

  老师:这两句话的意思是,要我帮忙吗?我来帮你拿这些书。我们一起学习 can i help you 这句话的用法。 can i help you 以为需要帮忙吗?我可以帮忙吗?是询问别人是否有困难


《11 Lesson 5 Before Class_第2课时》.doc
