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2 B Your Friends_第1课时



  老师:get ready be your friends part one。 So could you tell me what subjects you have at school? Yes. You have Chinese and English. What else? Yes. You also have math and a science. And do you have any other subjects? Yes. You have geography and history. Look at these. What subjects are they? Yes, there are. And music and you have pe as well now, lets read the words after the recording,art.

  学生:Chinese,English,geography,history. Math, maths, music, music, p PE.



  老师:Look, here is a picture. This is a Jim. He's sending an email to his friend Bob here. Email means, now read after me. Email. Email. Good. So what he's talking about in his email, let's have a look. Please read the email and answer the question. What is the email about? Here we go. Hi, Bob. Look, this is my friend Lin Xinxin. She's 12 years old. She's a new student in our class. That is her. father his name is Lin Yang hes ten theyre from Beijing。 Xinxin is good at sports. Her famous subject is PE. Yang Yang is good at math. His favorite subject is science. He isn't good at sports team.

  老师:So from these sentences, we know it is about Jeep's new friend, Li Xinxin and her brother Lin Yang Yang. So what can we learn about Xinxin and Yang Yang from this email? Please read the email again and complete the information about them. 1St, look at the tables. What information should we complete? Yes, we should find out Xinxin City family members. great subject and what shes good at, so do you know what favorite means yes, it means。

  老师:最喜欢的人或物 lets read favorite favorite, and how about good at yes be good at means。擅长某事,精通某事 lets read be good at。 Good at? Okay. We also need to find out Yang's country, family members, favorite subject, and what he is good at. Am I clear? Okay, here we go. Let's get to know Xinxin first. Xinxin is from China. Then which city is she from? Yes, she's from Beijing. And in her family, she has mom, dad, and when? Yes, from this sentence, we know she has a brother. Her favorite subject is, yes, PE. Then what is she good at? Yes, she's good at sports. Maybe that's why she likes PE most. Good job. Then how about Yang Yang. Let's read and complete the information about him. He is from Beijing, and Beijing is a capital city of China. He's from China. Good. And from this sentence we know he's she's brother. She is his sister and he has a sister. Good. And what is his favorite subject? Yes, it's science. He's good at, yes, math. We are done. Now. Let's listen and read the email with the recording. Hi.

  学生:Bob. Look, this is my friend Lin Xin. She's 12 years old. She is a new student in our class. That is her brother. His name is Lin Yang Yang. He's ten. They're from Beijing. Xinxin is good at sports.


《2 B Your Friends_第1课时》.doc
