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13 Lesson 10 Life in Space_第2课时


  老师:各位同学,大家好,我是来自北京市石景山区实验中学的英语老师孟楠。很高兴今天和大家继续学习北师大版九年级英语书中的第4单元第 10 课, life in space 的第2课时。

  老师:First, let's review the keywords together. Astronaut. Astronaut. Circle. Circle. International. Space Station. International Space Station.

  老师:Land. Land. Lift off. Lift off. Mend. Mend. Spacecraft. Spacecraft.

  老师:Space flight. Space flight. Spaceship. Spaceship. I meant. I'm meant. Gravity. Gravity.

  老师:Float. Float. Action. Action. Thai. Thai. Rice. Rice.

  老师:Set. Set. Alarm. Alarm. Muscle. Muscle. Well done. Do you remember them?

  老师:Let's check your memory. Please match the words with their meanings. Action. What? does it mean yes it means 行动 the next one rice does it mean 行星 no it means。

  老师:升起提高 how about circle what does it mean the answer should be 韩玄环形 set does it mean 发射? no it means 落下放置 the next one planet what does it mean the answer is 行星? the last one。 Lift off. The answer should be Fashul Shenkong. Now a bigger challenge. Please complete the sentences.

  老师:Please use these words. Let's read the words and sentences together. Air breaks connect job Thai week. Number one, in space, things don't fall to the floor when you what them. No. 2, water what into small jobs in space.

  老师:No. 3, when you are in space, if you don't what things down, they float away. No. 4, astronauts do a lot of exercise in space so that they don't become what? No. 5, humans can't breathe the what in space? Number six, at the International Space Station, astronauts can what to the internet. Alright, let's check the answers.

  老师:No. 1, in space things don't fall to the floor when you what them. Which one do you choose, connect or drop? Yes, it should be job. In space, things don't fall to the floor when you drop them. No. 2, water. What? Into small jobs in space? Which is the answer?

  老师:Yes. Bricks is the answer. Water breaks into small jobs in space. No. 3, when you are in space, if you don't what things down, they float away. Which is the answer? Connect or tie? Yes, the answer should be time. When you are in space, if you don't tie things down, they float away.

  老师:Number four, astronauts do a lot of exercise in space so that they don't become what we do, exercise to stay healthy and strong. So I believe the answer should be they don't become weak. Astronauts do a lot of exercise in space so that they don't become weak. No. 5, humans can't breathe the what in space? What can be breathed?

  老师:Yes, air can be breathed. So the answer is air. Human can't breathe the air in space. Number six, at the International Space Station, astronauts can. What to the internet. Which one do you choose, breaks or connect? Yes, the answer should be connect.

  老师:At the International Space Station, astronauts can connect to the internet. All right, let's read the sentenc


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