八年级 · 英语 · 北师大版 · 下册

24 Communication Workshop


  老师:同学们大家好,我是来自首都师范大学附属苹果园中学分校的英语教师玉静洁。很高兴今天和大家一起来共同学习北师大版初二英语下册第六单元 unit six communication。

  老师:This license is the last license in this unit. So do you still remember what we have Learned in this unit? First, let's review each lesson in this unit. In Lesson 16, we Learned the first part of a detective story. It is very interesting, right? Do you still remember the main characters, the setting and the clues of this detective story? Excellent. Now let's review them together.

  老师:There are 3 main characters in the first part of the story. They are Detective Winters, Doctor Houghton and Daniel Lister. How about the fighting? The setting refers to the time or the place which was happened in this story. So the time is in the evening, and the place is Doctor Hosen's home.

  老师:Now let's look at the clues about this detective story. Lord Lister died. Daniel Lister disappeared 13 years ago. Daniel Lister went on a trip to France and never returned. After his father's death, Daniel reappeared to claim his very valuable inheritance. Detective Winters new Lord Lister well, but he only might Daniel once.

  老师:After learning this lesson, we still have lots of questions. Detective Winters often hide lots of questions. So he asked Daniel Lister about four questions. Do you still remember them? And License 17, the second part of this detective story.

  老师:Detective Winters asked four questions. Question number one, what happened? Question number two, can you tell me why you came back now? Question number three, do you still remember the day I met you many years ago? Question number four, are you staying at Rosewood Hotel? Do you remember how Daniel responded to these questions? Now let's review what Daniel Lister said. For question number one. What happened? Daniel Lister said that he had gone to France 13 years ago. He had an accident and he had woken up in the hospital. He had felt weak and thirsty and forgotten his name. He find they had looked after him and the kind nurses had given him a job there.

  老师:For question number two, can you tell me why you came back now genuinely to side, about a year ago he had begun to remember things and discover his past. One of the nurses had told him about his father's death.

  老师:For question number three, do you still remember the day I met you many years ago? Daniel Lister said that he remembered a little bit. He remembered that he had more hair than. For question number four, are you staying at Rosewood Hotel? He find he was.

  老师:After asking these four questions, what Detective Winters conclusion is and why he believes Daniel? Because he saw a Mark on Daniel's arm. Lord Lister told him that Daniel always wore long sleeves because he hated awful. Daniel was wearing a special silk shirt that his father had made.



《24 Communication Workshop》.doc
