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23 Lesson 18 Dreams_第1课时


  老师:同学们大家好,我是来自北京市第九中学分校的英语老师李璐璐。很高兴今天和大家一起学习初二英语。 unit six lesson eighteen dreams 第一课时, okay lets get started look at the picture please here is a little girl what is the girl? doing yes she might be dreaming right now here might means 可能 and right now means。现在 how do you know this? Right. As we can see, the girl is in her pajamas.

  老师:pajama means 睡衣裤 and shes asleep means 睡着的。 lets read the new words might 妈。 Height right now. Pajama. Asleep. Asleep. Okay. The girl in her pajamas is asleep and she might be dreaming right now. What is the girl dreaming about then? Look at the picture here. She's probably dreaming about running and playing outside. Probably means hengnang. Let's read it. Probably. Probably good. What about this picture? What kind of dream does it make you think of? Some of you may think in her dream, the phones ringing, but nobody realizes here. Realize means issue da. Let's read together. Realize. Very good guessing. What about this one? What kind of dream does it bring to your mind? Probably you think maybe she tries to run, but her legs won't move. In her dream, okay, she may have different kinds of dreams, and it's common for humans to dream. Here common means changjiander and human means. Then let's read the words. Common. Common, human. Human. Okay, this is about the girl and the dreams she may be having. What about you? Do you often dream? And how much do you know about dream? Today we are going to listen to a dialogue between two persons. They are talking about dreams. After this class, I believe you will know a lot more things about dream. And before listening, there are some new words that we need to get familiar with. Okay, here are the new words. Let's read together. Might. Might. Right now. Right now. Proof. Prove friend. Brain asleep. Asleep. Probably. Probably. Human. Human. Common. Common. Realize. Realize. Radio. Radio. Pajama. Pajama. In fact. In fact, excellent. Now, please listen to the dialogue and find out what kind of conversation is it. Here are some choices for you. Let's read them together. A, two friends are talking. B, a teacher is talking to a student. See, an interviewer is talking to a scientist. So what kind of conversation is it? In other words, who are talking? Let's listen carefully.

  学生:Today. Our guest is Doctor Marion Hall. She studies sleep and dreams. Doctor, why do we dream?

  学生:Well, scientists might understand it all someday, but right now we aren't sure. We have some ideas, but it's really difficult to prove how and why we dream.

  学生:I see. That's interesting. You don't have an easy job then. Does everybody dream?

  学生:Yes. Even animals dream. Our brains are active when we're asleep. We all dream several times every night. But we don't always remember our dreams.

  学生:Wow, that's fun


《23 Lesson 18 Dreams_第1课时》.doc
