八年级 · 英语 · 北师大版 · 上册

21 Lesson 16 Natural Abilities_第2课时



  老师:IM very happy to see you today in this class well go on learning unit six lesson, sixteen natural abilities period two now lets get started first, lets review the words please read with me natural disappear search strangely amazing relax, relax yard fence noise wake wake please match the words with their meanings the first one what is natural?

  老师:yes, it is 天生的,自然的。

  老师:what does disappear mean it means youre right?

  老师:消失不见 and search means youre right it means。搜索搜寻 do you remember the word strangely yes it means。异常的,奇怪的。

  老师:what about the world amazing which meaning does it match with yes it means。

  老师:令人惊奇的 and do you know what fence means right it means。黎巴围栏。

  老师:What about the last 1 yard? it means yes。院子马 well done class you did a good。 Chap. Now let's review the text. Please read after the recording.

  学生:Amazing animals. Last summer, Tom and his family were returning from a trip when their dog disappeared. What were you doing when it happened? We were relaxing at a coffee shop near the road because my mom and dad weren't feeling very well. I was taking Paddy for a walk when he saw a rabbit. He ran after it and disappeared. What did you do? We searched for him for hours. Finally we gave up and went home, 150 km away.

  学生:Five weeks later, we were having lunch when we heard a dog outside. We looked out of the window and there was Paddy. He was back. Pam was at her aunt and uncle's home in the countryside when some animals started to act strangely. What was happening on the farm?

  学生:My aunt and uncle were working in the yard when the dog became really noisy. Then the two horses became noisy. They were running around too. They try to break the fence and run away. We didn't understand why.

  学生:What happened. Then.

  学生:The animals kept acting strangely. About an hour later, the ground started shaking. It was an earthquake. The dog and the horse is new before we did.

  老师:Okay. In the text we just reviewed, there were some language points we need to pay attention to. Let's have a look. No. 1, Last summer, Tom and his family were returning from a trip when their dog disappear.


  老师:in this sentence return from means。

  老师:从某地返回。例如, he returned from Shanghai。他从上海回来了。

  老师:he ran after it and disappeared。

  老师:他追着兔子跑,然后就失踪了。下面是和 run 搭配的一些词组,如 run after 追赶,追逐, run around 四处跑, run away,逃出逃跑。

  老师:number three we searched for him for hours。

  老师:我们找了他好几个小时。 search for 搜索搜寻。例如, the police are searching for the man。警察们正在搜寻这个人。

  老师:in a text you may find some prepositions or advups。


  老师:lets have some practice please complete the sentences with the correct prepositions or adverbs in the box you can find this in exercise, four on page sixty seven l


《21 Lesson 16 Natural Abilities_第2课时》.doc
