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17 Lesson 13 Helping Your Community_第2课时


  老师:同学们大家好,我是来自北京景山学校远洋分校的高静老师,很高兴能和大家一起学习。 unit five lesson thirteen helping your community 第二课时 now lets start now lets review the words of lesson thirteen, protect environment,recycle, save electricity turn off, community volunteer clean up litter later notice similar, ever complete same can can piece finished put up。

  老师:request, reply are you familiar with the words lets have a try could you please match the words with their Chinese meanings, lets do it one by one protect。

  老师:保护 community 社区团体 volunteer 志愿者志愿做litter,乱扔 notice 通告通知,注意识到 environment 环境。

  老师:what about this one please match the words with the Chinese meanings ready here we go clean up。

  老师:清扫recycle,再利用 save 节约拯救 electricity 店 complete 填写完成的看金属罐。 Well done. You did a very good job. Now, let's review the conversation. First of all, please listen to the conversation again. Are you ready? Here we go.

  学生:Oh, no. It seems that it's dirtier than I thought. There's a lot of work to do and it's really a shame. Okay, we've only got four hours, so let's get started.

  学生:Can you give me one place?

  学生:Sure. Here you are. Here are some glass bottles. There's some metal here and some old cans, too. Do we have some gloves?

  学生:Yes, they're in my bag. Here's a pair for you buy min. And you have a rope with you, right? Can I use it? These huge pieces of wood are quite heavy.

  学生:Yes, I have the rope. Just a second.

  学生:Okay, we're finally finished. I think we really need to let people know they shouldn't litter on the beach.

  学生:Should we put up a notice there? That's a good idea. Do you have a pen? Can I borrow it? Sorry, I don't have one either.

  学生:I have one in my bag. Now we need a big piece of paper.

  学生:Maybe we can.

  老师:Good job. Boys and girls. In the conversation, there are some important expressions. Did you notice that? what now lets have a look?

  老师:下面我们来看一看今天的 language focus number one weve only got four hours, so lets get started。我们只有 4 个小时,咱们开始 get started。开始相当于 start number two should we put up a notice there。我们是不是应该在那儿张贴一个告示?本句中 put up 意为挂起张贴 put up 还可以表示举起,例如。

  老师:Put up your hand if you have a question.

  老师:如果有问题请举手。本句中 notice 是名词,意为通知通告。 notice 还可以作动词,意为注意意识到。例如, i noticed them come in。我注意到他们进来了。

  老师:number three it seems that its dirtier than i thought。

  老师:似乎比我想象的更脏。 sing 意为看起来好像是。例如, it seems that they dont know what they are doing。他们似乎不知道他们在做什么。

  老师:number four these huge pieces of wood are quite heavy。

  老师:这些大块木头十分沉。 peace 译为片块儿段截。例如, a piece of paper, a piece of clothing please pay attention to these important expressions now lets have a try, please complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box, shall we read the words in the box first same shame。看 quite litter notice quiet boys and girls, please pay attention to quiet and


《17 Lesson 13 Helping Your Community_第2课时》.doc
